Release Announcments - important notes IMHO.

Matthew East matthew.east at
Tue Mar 8 22:39:09 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 20:06 +0100, Sivan Green wrote:
> Hello world,
> As per my talk with Mark, I would like to inquire if we
> could write a short list of stuff, that ubuntu hoary does
> out of the box to be included in the release announcment
> for the preview release, which is due tommorow. This would
> be also great to have afterwards maybe for the release
> itself althought the official release announcement may be
> less technical.

Quick point on this, which I think is a good idea. Perhaps this document
might assist whoever works on this:

Its a list of new features in gnome 2.10

Hope I'm not speaking out of turn. I've only replied to the docs list,
not the devel list, as I'm not subscribed to the latter.


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