February 2008 Archives by subject
Starting: Fri Feb 1 08:14:48 GMT 2008
Ending: Fri Feb 29 22:21:22 GMT 2008
Messages: 613
- [ubuntu-uk] "Sticky" Problem
Christopher Chatfield
- [ubuntu-uk] "Sticky" Problem
Dave Morley
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
John Levin
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
James Grabham
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
Daniel Lamb
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
Tom Bamford
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
James Mansion
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
Clare Shepherd
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
Gavin Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
Pete Stean
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
Michael Holloway
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
Paul Tansom
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
Dave Murphy
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
James Grabham
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
- [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: Internet Radio Tuner]
Tony Travis
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: Re: [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?]
Tony Travis
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: Re: [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?]
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: Re: [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?]
Eddie Armstrong
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: Re: [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?]
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: Re: [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?]
Eddie Armstrong
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: Re: [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?]
Tony Travis
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: Re: [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?]
Tony Travis
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: Re: [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?]
Eddie Armstrong
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: Re: [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?]
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: Re: [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?]
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: Re: [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?]
Chris Oattes
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: Re: [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?]
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: Re: [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?]
Pete Stean
- [ubuntu-uk] [jono at ubuntu.com: LoCo Council Nominations - Deadline: March 12th]
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] [orca-list] Videos of Orca in India, featuring Orca list member Krishnakant Mane
Ian Pascoe
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?
Eddie Armstrong
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?
Tom Bamford
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?
Eddie Armstrong
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?
Tom Bamford
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?
Tom Bamford
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?
Johnathon Tinsley
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?
Gavin Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?
Pete Stean
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?
Johnathon Tinsley
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] - MS XP Pro OEM CD - How?
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Ubuntu Cola!
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Ubuntu Cola!
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Ubuntu Cola!
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Ubuntu Cola!
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Ubuntu Cola!
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Ubuntu Cola!
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Ubuntu Cola!
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Ubuntu Cola!
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Ubuntu Cola!
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Ubuntu Cola!
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Ubuntu Cola!
Tony Travis
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Ubuntu Cola!
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Ubuntu Cola!
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] Accounting software ?
Andy Watts
- [ubuntu-uk] Accounting software ?
- [ubuntu-uk] Accounting software ?
- [ubuntu-uk] Accounting software ?
Joshua Scotton
- [ubuntu-uk] Accounting software ?
- [ubuntu-uk] Accounting software ?
daniel.lamb at openyourwindows.com
- [ubuntu-uk] Accounting software ?
- [ubuntu-uk] Accounting software ?
Andrew Barber
- [ubuntu-uk] Accounting software ?
Joshua Scotton
- [ubuntu-uk] Accounting software ?
James Tait
- [ubuntu-uk] Accounting software ?
Tom Bamford
- [ubuntu-uk] Accounting software ?
Joshua Scotton
- [ubuntu-uk] Accounting software ?
Andy Watts
- [ubuntu-uk] affuse: FUSE support is disabled (Ubuntu 7.10)
Stuart Bird
- [ubuntu-uk] affuse: FUSE support is disabled (Ubuntu 7.10)
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] affuse: FUSE support is disabled (Ubuntu 7.10)
Stuart Bird
- [ubuntu-uk] affuse: FUSE support is disabled (Ubuntu 7.10) (RESOLVED)
Stuart Bird
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Dave Morley
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
daniel.lamb at openyourwindows.com
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Pete Stean
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Mark Fraser
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Pete Stean
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
- [ubuntu-uk] Anyway of downloading Iplayer?
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Bash smart completion (was: External drive is stuck at read-only.)
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC Bill Gates Interview/documentary
Thomas Ibbotson
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC Bill Gates Interview/documentary
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC Bill Gates Interview/documentary
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC Bill Gates Interview/documentary
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC news site
Andy Watts
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC news site
Pete Stean
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC news site
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC news site
Andy Watts
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC news site
Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC news site
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC news site
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC news site
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC news site
Josh Blacker
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC news site
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC news site
Tom Bamford
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC news site
Tom Bamford
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC news site
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC news site
Seif Attar
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC news site
Tom Bamford
- [ubuntu-uk] Bottom Screen Bar
John Taylor
- [ubuntu-uk] Bottom Screen Bar
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] Bottom Screen Bar
- [ubuntu-uk] Bottom Screen Bar
John Taylor
- [ubuntu-uk] Botton Screen Bar
John Taylor
- [ubuntu-uk] Botton Screen Bar
Alec Wright
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband
Dave Murphy
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband
Dave Murphy
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband Advice
Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband Advice
Stephen Garton
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband Advice
Steve Flynn
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband Advice
Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband Advice
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband Advice
Ian Pascoe
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband Advice
ronnie at ronnietucker.co.uk
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband Advice
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband Advice
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband Advice
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband Advice
Ronnie Tucker
- [ubuntu-uk] Broadband Advice
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] Broken Synaptic
Paul Tansom
- [ubuntu-uk] Broken Synaptic
Alistair Crust
- [ubuntu-uk] Broken Synaptic
Paul Tansom
- [ubuntu-uk] Broken Synaptic
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] Broken Synaptic
Paul Tansom
- [ubuntu-uk] Broken Synaptic
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] Broken Synaptic
Paul Tansom
- [ubuntu-uk] Broken Synaptic
- [ubuntu-uk] Broken Synaptic
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] Bug Triaging - German
Ciaran Mooney
- [ubuntu-uk] Bug Triaging - German
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Bug Triaging - German
Johnathon Tinsley
- [ubuntu-uk] Can I use a desktop PC as a network hub?
James Grabham
- [ubuntu-uk] Can I use a desktop PC as a network hub?
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Can I use a desktop PC as a network hub?
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] Can I use a desktop PC as a network hub?
Tom Bamford
- [ubuntu-uk] Can I use a desktop PC as a network hub?
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Can I use a desktop PC as a network hub?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Can I use a desktop PC as a network hub?
Gaurav Patel
- [ubuntu-uk] change of email address
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] change of email address
Ciaran Mooney
- [ubuntu-uk] change of email address
Johnathon Tinsley
- [ubuntu-uk] change of email address
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] change of email address
Johnathon Tinsley
- [ubuntu-uk] change of email address
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] driving games
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] driving games
Dave Morley
- [ubuntu-uk] driving games
Michael Holloway
- [ubuntu-uk] driving games
Kris Marsh
- [ubuntu-uk] driving games
Matthew Wild
- [ubuntu-uk] Dual monitors with independent desktops
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Dual monitors with independent desktops
Steve Cook
- [ubuntu-uk] Dual monitors with independent desktops
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Dual monitors with independent desktops
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Dual monitors with independent desktops
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] Dual monitors with independent desktops
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Dual monitors with independent desktops
Ian Pascoe
- [ubuntu-uk] Dual monitors with independent desktops
Tom Bamford
- [ubuntu-uk] Dual monitors with independent desktops
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Evening All
Andrew Hudson
- [ubuntu-uk] Evening All
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Evening All
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] Evening All
Josh Blacker
- [ubuntu-uk] Evolution
Keith Bowerman
- [ubuntu-uk] Evolution
Tom Bamford
- [ubuntu-uk] Evolution
Keith Bowerman
- [ubuntu-uk] External drive.... Grrr
Andy Watts
- [ubuntu-uk] External drive.... Grrr
Tom Bamford
- [ubuntu-uk] External drive.... Grrr
Andy Watts
- [ubuntu-uk] FW: [UKUUG-Announce] Call for Participation - OpenTech 2008
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
Josh Blacker
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
Matthew Wild
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
Andrew Barber
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
Alistair Crust
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
Michael Rimicans
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
Tony Travis
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
Andrew Barber
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
Steve Flynn
- [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
Thomas Ibbotson
- [ubuntu-uk] gnome-terminal question
Vitorio Okio
- [ubuntu-uk] gnome-terminal question
- [ubuntu-uk] gnome-terminal question
Vitorio Okio
- [ubuntu-uk] gnome-terminal question
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] gnome-terminal question
Vitorio Okio
- [ubuntu-uk] Google Funds Work for Photoshop on Linux
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Google Funds Work for Photoshop on Linux
Jai Harrison
- [ubuntu-uk] Google Funds Work for Photoshop on Linux
- [ubuntu-uk] Google Funds Work for Photoshop on Linux
Gavin Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] Google Funds Work for Photoshop on Linux
Johnathon Tinsley
- [ubuntu-uk] Google Funds Work for Photoshop on Linux
Jai Harrison
- [ubuntu-uk] Google Funds Work for Photoshop on Linux
Gavin Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] Google Funds Work for Photoshop on Linux
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Google Funds Work for Photoshop on Linux
Dave Morley
- [ubuntu-uk] Google Funds Work for Photoshop on Linux
Paul Tansom
- [ubuntu-uk] Google Funds Work for Photoshop on Linux
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] Google Funds Work for Photoshop on Linux
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Google Funds Work for Photoshop on Linux
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Google Funds Work for Photoshop on Linux
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] Google Funds Work for Photoshop on Linux
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Google Funds Work for Photoshop on Linux
Jai Harrison
- [ubuntu-uk] Google Funds Work for Photoshop on Linux
Gavin Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] Half decent Motherboard (With on-board graphics, if not Id need a card included in this), RAM and CPU for 50 quidish?
James Grabham
- [ubuntu-uk] Half decent Motherboard (With on-board graphics, if not Id need a card included in this), RAM and CPU for 50 quidish?
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Half decent Motherboard (With on-board graphics, if not Id need a card included in this), RAM and CPU for 50 quidish?
James Grabham
- [ubuntu-uk] Half decent Motherboard (With on-board graphics, if not Id need a card included in this), RAM and CPU for 50 quidish?
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Half decent Motherboard (With on-board graphics, if not Id need a card included in this), RAM and CPU for 50 quidish?
James Grabham
- [ubuntu-uk] Half decent Motherboard (With on-board graphics, if not Id need a card included in this), RAM and CPU for 50 quidish?
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Half decent Motherboard (With on-board graphics, if not Id need a card included in this), RAM and CPU for 50 quidish?
James Grabham
- [ubuntu-uk] Half decent Motherboard (With on-board graphics, if not Id need a card included in this), RAM and CPU for 50 quidish?
James Grabham
- [ubuntu-uk] Half decent Motherboard (With on-board graphics, if not Id need a card included in this), RAM and CPU for 50 quidish?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Half decent Motherboard (With on-board graphics, if not Id need a card included in this), RAM and CPU for 50 quidish?
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Half decent Motherboard (With on-board graphics, if not Id need a card included in this), RAM and CPU for 50 quidish?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Half decent Motherboard (With on-board graphics, if not Id need a card included in this), RAM and CPU for 50 quidish?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Half decent Motherboard (With on-board graphics, if not Id need a card included in this), RAM and CPU for 50 quidish?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Halifax online banking
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Halifax online banking
- [ubuntu-uk] Halifax online banking
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Halifax online banking
Chris Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] Halifax online banking
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] HDD drives... which brand(s)?
Matthew Wild
- [ubuntu-uk] HDD drives... which brand(s)?
Michael Holmes
- [ubuntu-uk] HDD drives... which brand(s)?
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] HDD drives... which brand(s)?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] HDD drives... which brand(s)?
Daniel Lamb
- [ubuntu-uk] HDD drives... which brand(s)?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] HDD drives... which brand(s)?
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] HDD drives... which brand(s)?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] HDD drives... which brand(s)?
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] HDD drives... which brand(s)?
- [ubuntu-uk] HDD drives... which brand(s)?
Stephen Courtney
- [ubuntu-uk] HI
Robert Gardner
- [ubuntu-uk] HI
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] HI
- [ubuntu-uk] HI
Andy Watts
- [ubuntu-uk] Hi from Salisbury
Andy Watts
- [ubuntu-uk] Hi from Salisbury
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Hi from Salisbury
Ian Pascoe
- [ubuntu-uk] I _NEED_ one of these...
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] I _NEED_ one of these...
Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
- [ubuntu-uk] I _NEED_ one of these...
Thomas Ibbotson
- [ubuntu-uk] I _NEED_ one of these...
Keith Bowerman
- [ubuntu-uk] I _NEED_ one of these...
John Levin
- [ubuntu-uk] I _NEED_ one of these...
Dianne Reuby
- [ubuntu-uk] I _NEED_ one of these...
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] I _NEED_ one of these...
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] I _NEED_ one of these...
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] I _NEED_ one of these...
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] I _NEED_ one of these...
Andy Watts
- [ubuntu-uk] It's an Ibex!
John Levin
- [ubuntu-uk] Kubuntu Hardy swirly wallpaper - wow!
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Linux + Botnets + free Linux/Rst-B tool from Sophos
Eddie Armstrong
- [ubuntu-uk] Lug Radio Live dates announced
John Levin
- [ubuntu-uk] Lug Radio Live dates announced
Dave Morley
- [ubuntu-uk] Lug Radio Live dates announced
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] mailing lists
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] mailing lists
John Levin
- [ubuntu-uk] mailing lists
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] mailing lists
- [ubuntu-uk] mailing lists
John Levin
- [ubuntu-uk] mailing lists
Matthew Wild
- [ubuntu-uk] mailing lists
- [ubuntu-uk] mailing lists
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] mailing lists
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] mailing lists
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] mame x
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] mame x
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] mame x
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] mame x
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] mame x
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] mame x
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] mame x
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] Media Centre Functionality
Ian Pascoe
- [ubuntu-uk] Media Centre Functionality
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] Media Centre Functionality
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Mega Slow Bootup
Stephen Garton
- [ubuntu-uk] Mega Slow Bootup
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Mega Slow Bootup
Stephen Garton
- [ubuntu-uk] Mega Slow Bootup
Tony Travis
- [ubuntu-uk] Mega Slow Bootup
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Mega Slow Bootup
Stephen Garton
- [ubuntu-uk] Mega Slow Bootup
Stephen Garton
- [ubuntu-uk] Minimal Ubuntu setups (was: Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] Miro talk at Westminster, March 12th
John Levin
- [ubuntu-uk] Miro talk in London, March 12th
John Levin
- [ubuntu-uk] Miro talk in London, March 12th
- [ubuntu-uk] Miro talk in London, March 12th
John Levin
- [ubuntu-uk] Miro talk in London, March 12th
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] Mobile internet proxy
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Mobile internet proxy
Johnathon Tinsley
- [ubuntu-uk] Mobile internet proxy
Dave Murphy
- [ubuntu-uk] Mobile internet proxy
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] Mobile internet proxy
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Mobile internet proxy
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Mobile internet proxy
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Mobile internet proxy
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Mobile internet proxy
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Mobile internet proxy
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Mobile internet proxy
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Mobile internet proxy
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] Mobile internet proxy
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Mobile internet proxy
Dave Murphy
- [ubuntu-uk] Mobile internet proxy
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Mobile internet proxy
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Need to convert dv files into vob files in kino
mark mccloud
- [ubuntu-uk] Need to convert dv files into vob files in kino
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] Network problems Realtek 8168 card
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] New to the list
- [ubuntu-uk] New to the list
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] news services was: BBC news site
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] news services was: BBC news site
Tom Bamford
- [ubuntu-uk] news services was: BBC news site
William Anderson
- [ubuntu-uk] news services was: BBC news site
Tom Bamford
- [ubuntu-uk] news services was: BBC news site
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] news services was: BBC news site
Dianne Reuby
- [ubuntu-uk] news services was: BBC news site
Seif Attar
- [ubuntu-uk] news services was: BBC news site
Robert McWilliam
- [ubuntu-uk] news services was: BBC news site
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] news services was: BBC news site
Josh Blacker
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- [ubuntu-uk] Notebook Problems
Jai Harrison
- [ubuntu-uk] Notebook Problems
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] Notebook Problems
Jai Harrison
- [ubuntu-uk] Notebook Problems
Matthew Wild
- [ubuntu-uk] Notebook Problems
Jai Harrison
- [ubuntu-uk] Notebook Problems
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] Notebook Problems
Gavin Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] Notebook Problems
Jai Harrison
- [ubuntu-uk] Notebook Problems
Jai Harrison
- [ubuntu-uk] Notebook Problems
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Notebook Problems
Jai Harrison
- [ubuntu-uk] Notebook Problems
- [ubuntu-uk] Notebook Problems
Jai Harrison
- [ubuntu-uk] Notebook Problems
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] Notebook Problems
- [ubuntu-uk] Notebook Problems
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] Notebook Problems
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] Notebook Problems
- [ubuntu-uk] ONE laptop
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] ONE laptop
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] ONE laptop
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] ONE laptop
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] ONE laptop
- [ubuntu-uk] ONE laptop
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] ONE laptop
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] ONE laptop
- [ubuntu-uk] ONE laptop
- [ubuntu-uk] ONE laptop
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] ONE laptop
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] ONE laptop
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] ONE laptop
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] ONE laptop
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] OpenSSI on Ubuntu (with LTSP thrown infor goodmeasure)
Ian Pascoe
- [ubuntu-uk] OT: (Nanny) OGG Files
Ian Pascoe
- [ubuntu-uk] OT: (Nanny) OGG Files
Dave Morley
- [ubuntu-uk] OT: (Nanny) OGG Files
Ciaran Mooney
- [ubuntu-uk] OT: (Nanny) OGG Files
- [ubuntu-uk] Ownership of #ubuntu-uk
Joseph Price
- [ubuntu-uk] Ownership of #ubuntu-uk
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] problems with miro!-keeps closing
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] problems with miro!-keeps closing
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] problems with miro!-keeps closing
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] problems with miro!-keeps closing
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] problems with miro!-keeps closing
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] problems with miro!-keeps closing
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] problems with miro!-keeps closing
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] problems with miro!-keeps closing
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] problems with miro!-keeps closing
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] problems with miro!-keeps closing
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] problems with miro!-keeps closing
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] problems with miro!-keeps closing
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] problems with miro!-keeps closing
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] problems with miro!-keeps closing
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] problems with miro!-keeps closing
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Pyweek Ubuntu-UK entry?
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Pyweek Ubuntu-UK entry?
Joshua Scotton
- [ubuntu-uk] Pyweek Ubuntu-UK entry?
Ronnie Tucker
- [ubuntu-uk] Pyweek Ubuntu-UK entry?
Thomas Ibbotson
- [ubuntu-uk] Pyweek Ubuntu-UK entry?
Josh Blacker
- [ubuntu-uk] Pyweek Ubuntu-UK entry?
Robert McWilliam
- [ubuntu-uk] Pyweek Ubuntu-UK entry?
Thomas Ibbotson
- [ubuntu-uk] Pyweek Ubuntu-UK entry?
Matthew Daubney
- [ubuntu-uk] Pyweek Ubuntu-UK entry?
- [ubuntu-uk] Pyweek Ubuntu-UK entry?
Thomas Ibbotson
- [ubuntu-uk] Real Player
- [ubuntu-uk] Real Player
- [ubuntu-uk] Real Player
- [ubuntu-uk] Real Player
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Remote Desktop Sharing
- [ubuntu-uk] Remote Desktop Sharing
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] Remote Desktop Sharing
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Remote Desktop Sharing
- [ubuntu-uk] Remote Desktop Sharing
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Remote Desktop Sharing
- [ubuntu-uk] Remote Desktop Sharing
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Remote Desktop Sharing
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Setting PATH and other env variables
Andrew Black (delete obvious bit)
- [ubuntu-uk] Setting PATH and other env variables
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] Setting PATH and other env variables
Andrew Black (delete obvious bit)
- [ubuntu-uk] Setting PATH and other env variables
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] Setting PATH and other env variables
Andrew Black (delete obvious bit)
- [ubuntu-uk] Skype 2.0 beta
Mark Fraser
- [ubuntu-uk] Skype 2.0 beta
Greg K Nicholson
- [ubuntu-uk] Skype 2.0 beta
Johnathon Tinsley
- [ubuntu-uk] Skype 2.0 beta
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] Skype 2.0 beta
- [ubuntu-uk] Smb problems
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] Smb problems
Michael Holloway
- [ubuntu-uk] Software Freedom Day 2008
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Software Freedom Day 2008
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Software Freedom Day 2008
Ciaran Mooney
- [ubuntu-uk] Software Freedom Day 2008
Paul Mellors
- [ubuntu-uk] Software Freedom Day 2008
- [ubuntu-uk] Stage6 shutting down!!!
Javad Ayaz
- [ubuntu-uk] Stage6 shutting down!!!
Mark Fraser
- [ubuntu-uk] Stage6 shutting down!!!
Russell Green
- [ubuntu-uk] Stage6 shutting down!!!
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] SW Scotland calling here .... cor, what an echo!
Mark Burns
- [ubuntu-uk] SW Scotland calling here .... cor, what an echo!
John Levin
- [ubuntu-uk] SW Scotland calling here .... cor, what an echo!
Mark Burns
- [ubuntu-uk] Switched hard drives
Andy Watts
- [ubuntu-uk] Switched hard drives
Steve Cook
- [ubuntu-uk] Switched hard drives
Tom Bamford
- [ubuntu-uk] Switched hard drives
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Switched hard drives
Andy Watts
- [ubuntu-uk] Switched hard drives
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] Switched hard drives
Andy Watts
- [ubuntu-uk] Synch Nokia N73 with Gutsy using USB Cable
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Synch Nokia N73 with Gutsy using USB Cable
Dave Murphy
- [ubuntu-uk] Synch Nokia N73 with Gutsy using USB Cable
Pete Stean
- [ubuntu-uk] Synch Nokia N73 with Gutsy using USB Cable
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Synch Nokia N73 with Gutsy using USB Cable
Dave Murphy
- [ubuntu-uk] Synch Nokia N73 with Gutsy using USB Cable
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Synch Nokia N73 with Gutsy using USB Cable
Pete Stean
- [ubuntu-uk] Synch Nokia N73 with Gutsy using USB Cable
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Synch Nokia N73 with Gutsy using USB Cable
Seif Attar
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu
Iain Lane
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu
Michael Holmes
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu (or other) Live CD with Dansguardian built in
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu based Community centre in Exeter - the latest
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu based Community centre in Exeter - the latest
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu based Community centre in Exeter - the latest
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu based Community centre in Exeter - the latest
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu based Community centre in Exeter - the latest
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu based Community centre in Exeter - the latest
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu based Community centre in Exeter - the latest
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Brainstorm site
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Brainstorm site
Dave Morley
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Brainstorm site
John Levin
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Brainstorm site
Stephen Garton
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Brainstorm site
Josh Blacker
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Brainstorm site
Paul Mellors
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Brainstorm site
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Brainstorm site
Philip Newborough
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Brainstorm site
John Levin
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Brainstorm site
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Brainstorm site
Tony Travis
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Crashing
Seif Attar
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Crashing
Seif Attar
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Crashing
Michael Holloway
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Crashing
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Crashing
Seif Attar
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Crashing
Michael Holloway
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Crashing
Michael Holloway
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Crashing
Seif Attar
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu on HP
Michael Holloway
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu on HP
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Eddie Armstrong
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Johnathon Tinsley
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Eddie Armstrong
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Eddie Armstrong
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
John Levin
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Eddie Armstrong
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Eddie Armstrong
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
George MacLeod
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Matthew Daubney
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Eddie Armstrong
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Eddie Armstrong
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Matthew Daubney
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Tom Bamford
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Matthew Daubney
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server - sys req?
Matthew Daubney
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server, oidentd and eggdrops
whoredom at gmail.com
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Server, oidentd and eggdrops
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu spotting
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu spotting
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu spotting
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu spotting
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu spotting
Josh Blacker
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu spotting
Colin McCarthy
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu spotting
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu spotting
Ian Pascoe
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu spotting
Thomas Ibbotson
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu spotting
whoredom at gmail.com
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu spotting
Kris Marsh
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu spotting
Andrew Barber
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu spotting
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu spotting
James Grabham
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu spotting
leroy whyte
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu UK Forum
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu UK Forum
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu UK Forum
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu UK Forum
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu UK Forum
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu UK Forum
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu UK Forum
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu UK Forum
Stephen Garton
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu: Linux for Auntie
John Levin
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu: Linux for Auntie
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu: Linux for Auntie
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu: Linux for Auntie
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu: Linux for Auntie
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] UK Web Hosting-OSS recommendations, please??
Eddie Armstrong
- [ubuntu-uk] UK Web Hosting-OSS recommendations, please??
John Levin
- [ubuntu-uk] USB Hard Drive Group Permissions
Stuart Bird
- [ubuntu-uk] USB Hard Drive Group Permissions
Stuart Bird
- [ubuntu-uk] USB Hard Drive Group Permissions
Andrew Oakley
- [ubuntu-uk] USB Hard Drive Group Permissions
Stuart Bird
- [ubuntu-uk] Video Editing - AVID?
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] Video Editing - AVID?
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Video Editing - AVID?
Ian Pascoe
- [ubuntu-uk] Video Editing - AVID?
- [ubuntu-uk] Where are we with Green?
- [ubuntu-uk] Where are we with Green?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Where are we with Green?
- [ubuntu-uk] Where are we with Green?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Where are we with Green?
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Where are we with Green?
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Wireless connection
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] Wireless connection
Kris Douglas
- [ubuntu-uk] Wireless connection
Tom Bamford
- [ubuntu-uk] Wireless connection
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] Wireless connection
Rob Beard
- [ubuntu-uk] Wireless connection
Gavin Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] Wireless connection
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] Wireless connection
Tom Bamford
- [ubuntu-uk] Writing to MPs about software patents
Chris Rowson
- [ubuntu-uk] Writing to MPs about software patents
- [ubuntu-uk] Writing to MPs about software patents
Chris Rowson
Last message date:
Fri Feb 29 22:21:22 GMT 2008
Archived on: Thu Apr 17 23:01:03 BST 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).