[ubuntu-uk] Mobile internet proxy

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Tue Feb 19 15:31:19 GMT 2008

On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 02:58:41PM +0000, Chris Rowson wrote:
> Both told me that they could unblock what they referred to somewhat
> amusingly as the "top shelf" sites but not this one. I did point out
> that browsing pornography on a mobile phone was sad, and that they
> should just do as I asked but got referred back to the company
> rulebook.

According to a friend of mine...

"The IWF watchlist is an optional thing for ISPs to do but they and the govt 
have hinted that unless all UK ISPs use it then they might make it law.  
It's very difficuly to tell whether the site you are trying to visit is 
blocked because it's blocked by IWF, and viewing it knowing that it is 
blocked by IWF is illegal. Members of the IWF have a dispensation from the 
govt to view the stuff that is blocked, but for anyone else it's illegal. 
The IWF list is only supposed to list child abuse and incitement to hatred, 
so the site you are after (mowser.com) is probably blocked on some other 
list, which your ISP will likely never admit to."


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