[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Crashing

Michael Holloway michael at thedarkwinter.com
Wed Feb 6 15:26:23 GMT 2008

> Ok, morning came and that machine hadn't crashed, so I started the 
> unison sync again to force the machine to crash, and something happened 
> while I had an ssh session open, the server didn't crash as it usually 
> does (without any errors), this time it returned an I/O error to unison 
> and then it crashed, but somehow my ssh session was still going! :) find 
> attached the output from dmesg, it says the XFS partition is corrupt, I 
> am not sure if that is what is causing the crash, or did all those 
> crashes cause the corruption? I am copying all my files over to a secure 
> place, and will try to repair the partition (xfs_repair sdb1).

Hmm, well it still could be to do with the power... especially if its an
external USB device (some sort of distant memories). If i remember well
there is an issue with USB Seagate drives (or perhaps im making that
up), maybe someone on the list can elaborate on that??

As for the crashes corrupting the drive <> visa vera... i more inclined
to think the hardware has caused the crash. It is possible that the
hardware is somewhat faulty, or just that it isn't "on" when Ubuntu
thinks it is. Those errors were read errors which just sounds like a
silly issue like that.


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