[ubuntu-uk] Bottom Screen Bar

Andrew Oakley andrew at aoakley.com
Wed Feb 13 09:02:58 GMT 2008

John Taylor wrote:
> Thanks for info...have tried your suggestion but it doesn't do what I 
> want (at least on my machine)...... a simple example is the MPPLAYER 
> (Gnome) ....I activate it, produce music, minimize at which moment it 
> disappears like a ferret down a drainpipe but the only way I can switch 
> off the station is to reboot!

Okay, you need the Window List applet re-activated. To do this:

1. If you haven't already got a bottom panel:

- Right-click an existing Gnome panel (eg. the long grey bar at the TOP 
of your screen)

- Select "New Panel"

- A new empty panel will appear. If it is not at the bottom of the 
screen where you want it, click it and hold down the mouse button, then 
drag it to where you want it to be.

2. Once you have got a bottom panel:

- Right-click the bottom panel and select "Add To Panel"

- Scroll down and click on "Window List" then click the +Add button.

- The list of windows will appear on the panel. You can move it left or 
right by clicking and holding the three vertical dots to the left of the 

- You can prevent the Window List (or any other panel applet) from being 
accidentally moved/deleted by right-clicking the three vertical dots and 
selecting "Lock To Panel".

Andrew Oakley

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