[ubuntu-uk] FW: [UKUUG-Announce] Call for Participation - OpenTech 2008

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Wed Feb 20 14:43:02 GMT 2008

Thought this may interest some of you:-

> From: Jane Morrison <office at ukuug.org>
> Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 09:56:54 +0000
> To: announce at ukuug.org
> Subject: [UKUUG-Announce] Call for Participation - OpenTech 2008
> OpenTech is an informal, low-cost one-day grassroots event that we put
> on every couple of years for people in the UK to get together and talk
> about digital technology, its impacts on society and - newly added
> this year - the environment.  In previous years we heard from the
> founder of the Internet Archive and the man behind BitTorrent, saw the
> launch of TheyWorkForYou.com, and triggered the creation of the Open
> Rights Group.  We also had a presentation from a chap who'd made a
> semi-reliable clock out of an old PC and a prawn sandwich, so it's not
> all serious stuff.
> We're accepting proposals for talks between today and the 31st March,
> The full details are below, and there's more information on our
> website (http://www.ukuug.org/events/opentech2008/).

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