February 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Feb 1 01:36:22 GMT 2007
Ending: Wed Feb 28 23:34:48 GMT 2007
Messages: 494
- [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic
James Allman-Talbot
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC Consultation[Scanned]
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
- [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
- [ubuntu-uk] Another petition: Open Document Format
- [ubuntu-uk] UK Patent Laws
- [ubuntu-uk] Trouble with a splash screen
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Reboot after libc6 upgrade?
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Trouble with a splash screen
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] make link to url on ubuntu desktop?
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Aptitude dependency hell
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Aptitude dependency hell
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Aptitude dependency hell
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Aptitude dependency hell - SOLVED
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Partition imagining and dvd burning.
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] old kernals
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Partition imagining and dvd burning.
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] what's happened to ubuntu-uk ?
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Another petition: Open Document Format
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Another petition: Open Document Format
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Curve-fitting program or package (a gnuplot example)
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Curve-fitting program or package (a gnuplot example)
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] start up problems
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Distro release contents
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] Curve-fitting program or package (a gnuplot example)
Tony Arnold
- [ubuntu-uk] LUGRadio Live 2007 and Ubuntu UK
Jono Bacon
- [ubuntu-uk] Partition imagining and dvd burning.
Adam Bagnall
- [ubuntu-uk] A GUI Grub editor?
Andrew Barber
- [ubuntu-uk] stop frame animation
Leon Barker
- [ubuntu-uk] what's happened to ubuntu-uk ?
Leon Barker
- [ubuntu-uk] EciAsdl
Leon Barker
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu xbuntu network!
KaroSHi Von Beef
- [ubuntu-uk] Screen resolution on startup
Andrew Black
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC Consultation[Scanned]
Paul Brunt
- [ubuntu-uk] Looking for Colorzilla eyedropper replacement
Phil Bull
- [ubuntu-uk] Curve-fitting program or package
Phil Bull
- [ubuntu-uk] [EVENT] Worthing Computer Fair - BCF . 4th February 10am till 3pm
Nicholas Butler
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
Nicholas Butler
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
Nicholas Butler
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Scribes - First Meeting Tonight!
Nik Butler
- [ubuntu-uk] what's happened to ubuntu-uk ?
Nik Butler
- [ubuntu-uk] networking two pcs- Ubuntu and xubuntu
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu xbuntu network!
- [ubuntu-uk] Sunday Times - In Gear and MS
Martin Castle
- [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic
Martin Castle
- [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic
Martin Castle
- [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic
Martin Castle
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu CNR deal)
Martin Castle
- [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic
SteVe Cook
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu CNR deal)
SteVe Cook
- [ubuntu-uk] more things worth signing
SteVe Cook
- [ubuntu-uk] A GUI Grub editor?
SteVe Cook
- [ubuntu-uk] networking two pcs- Ubuntu and xubuntu
Will Cooke
- [ubuntu-uk] HCI 2007 conference call for papers
Laura Cowen
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
James Dalley
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
James Dalley
- [ubuntu-uk] what's happened to ubuntu-uk ?
James Dalley
- [ubuntu-uk] Another petition: Open Document Format
Greg Dash
- [ubuntu-uk] kernel update marks as break - problem
Jamie Dumbill
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
Matthew East
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
Matthew East
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: Software Freedom... in Oxford, UK, this week]
Matthew East
- [ubuntu-uk] Partition imagining and dvd burning.
Dave Ewart
- [ubuntu-uk] Partition imagining and dvd burning.
Dave Ewart
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Martin Fitzpatrick
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
Martin Fitzpatrick
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
Martin Fitzpatrick
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Caroline Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Caroline Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] French FLOSS for Schools
Caroline Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] stop frame animation
Caroline Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Scribes - First Meeting Tonight!
Caroline Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] UK linux organisations (was Re: French FLOSS for Schools)
Caroline Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
Caroline Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
Caroline Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
Caroline Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
Caroline Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
Caroline Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
Caroline Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] networking two pcs- Ubuntu and xubuntu
Caroline Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] EciAsdl
Caroline Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] more things worth signing
Caroline Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] more things worth signing
Caroline Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] gkismet deb
Caroline Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] gkismet deb
Caroline Ford
- [ubuntu-uk] stop frame animation
Stephen Garton
- [ubuntu-uk] Acer Laptop
Stephen Garton
- [ubuntu-uk] Gnome Deskbar Usage
Stephen Garton
- [ubuntu-uk] Roll Your Own VNC Support Package
Stephen Garton
- [ubuntu-uk] Netgear WPN111 on ndiswrapper
Andrew Gee
- [ubuntu-uk] Netgear WPN111 on ndiswrapper
Andrew Gee
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC Consultation[Scanned]
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] firefox
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Sunday Times - In Gear and MS
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Partition imagining and dvd burning.
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Partition imagining and dvd burning.
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu CNR deal)
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Roll Your Own VNC Support Package
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] more things worth signing
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] start up problems
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] Distro release contents
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] (K)ubuntu 6.10 Inspiron 1100 boot up screen not visible
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] A GUI Grub editor?
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] A GUI Grub editor?
Neil Greenwood
- [ubuntu-uk] For Ubuntu
Lincoln HUSTON
- [ubuntu-uk] Adept
Keith Harris
- [ubuntu-uk] More Vista Criticism from Aunty Beeb
Ashley Hooper
- [ubuntu-uk] what's happened to ubuntu-uk ?
Gary Kearley
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC Vista Coverage
Garry Knight
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC Vista Coverage
Garry Knight
- [ubuntu-uk] networking two pcs- Ubuntu and xubuntu
Garry Knight
- [ubuntu-uk] UKSkills - Your help wanted...
Dave Lamb
- [ubuntu-uk] Acer Laptop
Celia Lawton-Livingstone
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu-uk Digest, Vol 22, Issue 25
Celia Lawton-Livingstone
- [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu-uk Digest, Vol 22, Issue 51
Celia Lawton-Livingstone
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
- [ubuntu-uk] EciAsdl
- [ubuntu-uk] 6.10 Apache2/PHP problem: You have chosen to open [blank] which is a: PHTML file
David M
- [ubuntu-uk] Looking for Colorzilla eyedropper replacement
David M
- [ubuntu-uk] : dell refund article
George MacLeod
- [ubuntu-uk] Another petition: Open Document Format
George MacLeod
- [ubuntu-uk] more things worth signing
George MacLeod
- [ubuntu-uk] : dell refund article
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC Consultation
Oliver Maunder
- [ubuntu-uk] Gnome Deskbar Usage
Adam McMaster
- [ubuntu-uk] renouveau - helping the nvidia driver team.
Adam McMaster
- [ubuntu-uk] more things worth signing
Adam McMaster
- [ubuntu-uk] more things worth signing
Adam McMaster
- [ubuntu-uk] UKSkills
Adam McMaster
- [ubuntu-uk] Screen resolution on startup
Adam McMaster
- [ubuntu-uk] firefox
Robert McWilliam
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
Robert McWilliam
- [ubuntu-uk] Acer Laptop
Robert McWilliam
- [ubuntu-uk] Posting to the Fridge? Interview with Mark Shuttleworth
Robert McWilliam
- [ubuntu-uk] dapper kernel source
Robert McWilliam
- [ubuntu-uk] dapper kernel source
Robert McWilliam
- [ubuntu-uk] dapper kernel source
Robert McWilliam
- [ubuntu-uk] Curve-fitting program or package (a gnuplot example)
Robert McWilliam
- [ubuntu-uk] More Vista Criticism from Aunty Beeb
Paul Mellors
- [ubuntu-uk] Sunday Times - In Gear and MS
Paul Mellors
- [ubuntu-uk] Sunday Times - In Gear and MS
Paul Mellors
- [ubuntu-uk] old kernals
Paul Mellors
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu CNR deal)
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] what's happened to ubuntu-uk ?
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Curve-fitting program or package
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Curve-fitting program or package
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Curve-fitting program or package (a gnuplot example)
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Curve-fitting program or package (a gnuplot example)
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Curve-fitting program or package (a gnuplot example)
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] Curve-fitting program or package (a gnuplot example)
Robin Menneer
- [ubuntu-uk] More Vista Criticism from Aunty Beeb
Sean Miller
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
David Morley
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
David Morley
- [ubuntu-uk] stop frame animation
David Morley
- [ubuntu-uk] stop frame animation
David Morley
- [ubuntu-uk] stop frame animation
David Morley
- [ubuntu-uk] numbering gone erratic
David Morley
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
David Morley
- [ubuntu-uk] Screencast Team Meeting 12/Feb at 2000UTC
David Morley
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
Stephen Morrish
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
Stephen Morrish
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu CNR deal)
Stephen Morrish
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu CNR deal)
Stephen Morrish
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu CNR deal)
Stephen Morrish
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Scribes - First Meeting Tonight!
Chris Oattes
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC Vista Coverage
Llywelyn Owen
- [ubuntu-uk] Sunday Times - In Gear and MS
Llywelyn Owen
- [ubuntu-uk] Partition imagining and dvd burning.
Llywelyn Owen
- [ubuntu-uk] Partition imagining and dvd burning.
Llywelyn Owen
- [ubuntu-uk] Partition imagining and dvd burning.
Llywelyn Owen
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
Llywelyn Owen
- [ubuntu-uk] Partition imagining and dvd burning.
Llywelyn Owen
- [ubuntu-uk] dapper kernel source
Llywelyn Owen
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
Llywelyn Owen
- [ubuntu-uk] dapper kernel source
Llywelyn Owen
- [ubuntu-uk] Distro release contents
Llywelyn Owen
- [ubuntu-uk] what's happened to ubuntu-uk ?
James Pain
- [ubuntu-uk] EciAsdl
James Pain
- [ubuntu-uk] Another petition: Open Document Format
James Pain
- [ubuntu-uk] more things worth signing
James Pain
- [ubuntu-uk] A GUI Grub editor?
David Pashley
- [ubuntu-uk] stop frame animation
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
- [ubuntu-uk] 6.10 Apache2/PHP problem: You have chosen to open [blank] which is a: PHTML file
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
- [ubuntu-uk] renouveau - helping the nvidia driver team.
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
- [ubuntu-uk] More Vista Criticism from Aunty Beeb
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] LUGRadio Live 2007 and Ubuntu UK
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] LUGRadio Live 2007 and Ubuntu UK
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] LUGRadio Live 2007 and Ubuntu UK
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Screencast Team Meeting 12/Feb at 2000UTC
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Sunday Times - In Gear and MS
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Sound hardware suggestions
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Sunday Times - In Gear and MS
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Screencast Team Meeting 12/Feb at 2000UTC
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] dapper kernel source
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] dapper kernel source
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu CNR deal)
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] dapper kernel source
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu CNR deal)
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Alan Pope
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Andrew Price
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Andrew Price
- [ubuntu-uk] Curve-fitting program or package (a gnuplot example)
Andrew Price
- [ubuntu-uk] firefox
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] firefox
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] firefox
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] stop frame animation
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] French FLOSS for Schools
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] stop frame animation
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] stop frame animation
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] numbering gone erratic
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] Sunday Times - In Gear and MS
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] what's happened to ubuntu-uk ?
London School of Puppetry
- [ubuntu-uk] Reboot after libc6 upgrade?
Scott James Remnant
- [ubuntu-uk] LUGRadio Live 2007 and Ubuntu UK
Jonathan Riddell
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
Jonathan Riddell
- [ubuntu-uk] Posting to the Fridge? Interview with Mark
Jonathan Riddell
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
- [ubuntu-uk] what's happened to ubuntu-uk ?
- [ubuntu-uk] UK Patent Laws
- [ubuntu-uk] Posting to the Fridge? Interview with Mark Shuttleworth
Jonathan Roberts
- [ubuntu-uk] Totem Xine?
Jonathan Roberts
- [ubuntu-uk] More Vista Criticism from Aunty Beeb
Freddie Ruddick
- [ubuntu-uk] More Vista Criticism from Aunty Beeb
Freddie Ruddick
- [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic
Freddie Ruddick
- [ubuntu-uk] firefox
Roberto Sarrionandia
- [ubuntu-uk] Netgear WPN111 on ndiswrapper
Roberto Sarrionandia
- [ubuntu-uk] Netgear WPN111 on ndiswrapper
Roberto Sarrionandia
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: [guadec-list] Guadec Planning Meeting Notes - 20th January 2007]
Dean Sas
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
Dean Sas
- [ubuntu-uk] linuxoperation
Dean Sas
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: [guadec-list] GUADEC 2007 Call for Papers]
Dean Sas
- [ubuntu-uk] Adept
Dean Sas
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Dean Sas
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Dean Sas
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu-uk and GUADEC
Dean Sas
- [ubuntu-uk] Another petition: Open Document Format
Dean Sas
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: netz.smurf.noris.de GOING AWAY]
Dean Sas
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
Scrase, Eddie
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu
Scrase, Eddie
- [ubuntu-uk] A GUI Grub editor?
Scrase, Eddie
- [ubuntu-uk] A GUI Grub editor?
Scrase, Eddie
- [ubuntu-uk] Acer Laptop
Neil Simmons
- [ubuntu-uk] Reboot after libc6 upgrade?
Paul Sladen
- [ubuntu-uk] Trouble with a splash screen
Paul Sladen
- [ubuntu-uk] stop frame animation
Paul Sladen
- [ubuntu-uk] numbering gone erratic
Paul Sladen
- [ubuntu-uk] UK linux organisations (was Re: French FLOSS for Schools)
Paul Sladen
- [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic
Paul Sladen
- [ubuntu-uk] Colorzilla GCC-4 incompatibility (was: eyedropper replacement)
Paul Sladen
- [ubuntu-uk] Colorzilla GCC-4 incompatibility (was: eyedropper replacement)
Paul Sladen
- [ubuntu-uk] dapper kernel source
Paul Sladen
- [ubuntu-uk] stop frame animation
Ashley Smith
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Toby Smithe
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Toby Smithe
- [ubuntu-uk] More Vista Criticism from Aunty Beeb
Toby Smithe
- [ubuntu-uk] Getting online with ubuntu
Toby Smithe
- [ubuntu-uk] Getting online with ubuntu
Toby Smithe
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
Toby Smithe
- [ubuntu-uk] dapper kernel source
Toby Smithe
- [ubuntu-uk] dapper kernel source
Toby Smithe
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Toby Smithe
- [ubuntu-uk] more things worth signing
Toby Smithe
- [ubuntu-uk] more things worth signing
Toby Smithe
- [ubuntu-uk] more things worth signing
Toby Smithe
- [ubuntu-uk] UK Patent Laws
Toby Smithe
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Steve Spiller
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Steve Spiller
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
Steve Spiller
- [ubuntu-uk] more things worth signing
Steve Spiller
- [ubuntu-uk] Reboot after libc6 upgrade?
Eamonn Sullivan
- [ubuntu-uk] Latest Feisty
Eamonn Sullivan
- [ubuntu-uk] Latest Feisty
Eamonn Sullivan
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Eamonn Sullivan
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Eamonn Sullivan
- [ubuntu-uk] make link to url on ubuntu desktop?
Eamonn Sullivan
- [ubuntu-uk] Acer Laptop
Eamonn Sullivan
- [ubuntu-uk] Aptitude dependency hell
James Tait
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu CNR deal)
James Tait
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu CNR deal)
James Tait
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu CNR deal)
James Tait
- [ubuntu-uk] Latest Feisty
- [ubuntu-uk] Latest Feisty
- [ubuntu-uk] Latest Feisty
- [ubuntu-uk] kernel update marks as break - problem
- [ubuntu-uk] Adept
- [ubuntu-uk] USB DVD writer
Ben Thorp
- [ubuntu-uk] Roll Your Own VNC Support Package
Samuel Toogood
- [ubuntu-uk] Aptitude dependency hell
Tony Travis
- [ubuntu-uk] 6.10 Apache2/PHP problem: You have chosen to open [blank] which is a: PHTML file
James Tuthill
- [ubuntu-uk] Acer Laptop
Albert Vilella
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC Consultation[Scanned]
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC Consultation[Scanned]
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] UK linux organisations (was Re: French FLOSS for Schools)
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] UK linux organisations (was Re: French FLOSS for Schools)
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] Sunday Times - In Gear and MS
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] Gnome Deskbar Usage
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] dapper kernel source
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] renouveau - helping the nvidia driver team.
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] renouveau - helping the nvidia driver team.
Daniel Watkins
- [ubuntu-uk] Just in case anyone is interested...
Benjamin Webb
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
Benjamin Webb
- [ubuntu-uk] French FLOSS for Schools
Benjamin Webb
- [ubuntu-uk] French FLOSS for Schools
Benjamin Webb
- [ubuntu-uk] French FLOSS for Schools
Benjamin Webb
- [ubuntu-uk] French FLOSS for Schools
Benjamin Webb
- [ubuntu-uk] UK linux organisations (was Re: French FLOSS for Schools)
Benjamin Webb
- [ubuntu-uk] UK linux organisations (was Re: French FLOSS for Schools)
Benjamin Webb
- [ubuntu-uk] Anti Software Patent Petition
Benjamin Webb
- [ubuntu-uk] EciAsdl
Benjamin Webb
- [ubuntu-uk] UK Patent Laws
Benjamin Webb
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: netz.smurf.noris.de GOING AWAY]
Michael Wood
- [ubuntu-uk] LUGRadio Live 2007 and Ubuntu UK
Philip Wyett
- [ubuntu-uk] LUGRadio Live 2007 and Ubuntu UK
Philip Wyett
- [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic
Philip Wyett
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
Philip Wyett
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
Philip Wyett
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu CNR deal)
Philip Wyett
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
Philip Wyett
- [ubuntu-uk] what's happened to ubuntu-uk ?
Philip Wyett
- [ubuntu-uk] what's happened to ubuntu-uk ?
Philip Wyett
- [ubuntu-uk] More Vista Criticism from Aunty Beeb
- [ubuntu-uk] More Vista Criticism from Aunty Beeb
- [ubuntu-uk] More Vista Criticism from Aunty Beeb
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
- [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic
- [ubuntu-uk] old kernals
- [ubuntu-uk] old kernals
- [ubuntu-uk] old kernals
- [ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers
- [ubuntu-uk] networking two pcs- Ubuntu and xubuntu
- [ubuntu-uk] Lost again
- [ubuntu-uk] more things worth signing
- [ubuntu-uk] petitions
- [ubuntu-uk] gkismet deb
- [ubuntu-uk] gkismet deb
- [ubuntu-uk] gkismet deb
- [ubuntu-uk] Another petition: Open Document Format
- [ubuntu-uk] Sound hardware suggestions
Andrew Black (delete obvious bit)
- [ubuntu-uk] A GUI Grub editor?
Andrew Black (delete obvious bit)
- [ubuntu-uk] USB DVD writer
Andrew Black (delete obvious bit)
- [ubuntu-uk] what's happened to ubuntu-uk ?
ged byrom
- [ubuntu-uk] petitions
ged byrom
- [ubuntu-uk] start up problems
ged byrom
- [ubuntu-uk] start up problems
ged byrom
- [ubuntu-uk] firefox
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] BBC Vista Coverage
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Trouble with a splash screen
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Trouble with a splash screen
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] make link to url on ubuntu desktop?
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Getting online with ubuntu
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] make link to url on ubuntu desktop?
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Where to get non OS PCs (Golden?)
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Posting to the Fridge? Interview with Mark Shuttleworth
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] kernel update marks as break - problem
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu CNR deal)
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu CNR deal)
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu CNR deal)
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu CNR deal)
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: netz.smurf.noris.de GOING AWAY]
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] A GUI Grub editor?
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] (K)ubuntu 6.10 Inspiron 1100 boot up screen not visible
alan c
- [ubuntu-uk] This Monday -- The Changing Landscape of Digital Media
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu workshop at ACE, Sun 4th March, 11-3
- [ubuntu-uk] French FLOSS for Schools
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
- [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu
- [ubuntu-uk] Another petition: Open Document Format
- [ubuntu-uk] start up problems
- [ubuntu-uk] UK Patent Laws
- [ubuntu-uk] Just in case anyone is interested...
glyn at kiasworld.co.uk
- [ubuntu-uk] Getting online with ubuntu
john levin
- [ubuntu-uk] LUGRadio Live 2007 and Ubuntu UK
john levin
- [ubuntu-uk] LUGRadio Live 2007 and Ubuntu UK
john levin
- [ubuntu-uk] LUGRadio Live 2007 and Ubuntu UK
john levin
- [ubuntu-uk] Adept
john levin
- [ubuntu-uk] Another petition: Open Document Format
john levin
- [ubuntu-uk] firefox
paul mellors
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
- [ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?
- [ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
- [ubuntu-uk] gimp
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
- [ubuntu-uk] [Fwd: netz.smurf.noris.de GOING AWAY]
paul at paulmellors.net
- [ubuntu-uk] Roll Your Own VNC Support Package
- [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CNR deal
roberto sarrionandia
- [ubuntu-uk] getting help - UK List
- [ubuntu-uk] Getting online with ubuntu
lairddoog-mailstar at yahoo.co.uk
- [ubuntu-uk] Getting online with ubuntu
lairddoog-mailstar at yahoo.co.uk
- [ubuntu-uk] Getting online with ubuntu
lairddoog-mailstar at yahoo.co.uk
- [ubuntu-uk] Getting online with ubuntu
lairddoog-mailstar at yahoo.co.uk
- [ubuntu-uk] Getting online with ubuntu
lairddoog-mailstar at yahoo.co.uk
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
lairddoog-mailstar at yahoo.co.uk
- [ubuntu-uk] Etiquette
lairddoog-mailstar at yahoo.co.uk
Last message date:
Wed Feb 28 23:34:48 GMT 2007
Archived on: Sat Mar 24 01:47:37 GMT 2007
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).