[ubuntu-uk] Lost again

Dean Sas dean at deansas.org
Thu Feb 22 18:16:02 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Robin Menneer wrote:
> On 2/22/07, Tony Arnold <tony.arnold at manchester.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Robin,
>> Robin Menneer wrote:
>>>> I'm not sure if this is a complete description, but items on the desk
>>>> top require a double click in a default Ubuntu set-up. Menus and stuff
>>>> on the top and bottom panel need only a single click. Links in WEB
>>>> browsers and mailers only need a single click. Files etc in the nautilus
>>>> file browser need a double click.
> Is the answer to configure nautilus so that everything is single
> click? If so, how is it done and why isn't a single click set up as
> default - inexpereinced imbeciles are only confused with the unknown
> choice of one or two ?

I consider myself an experienced user and I still use single-click and
would prefer it to be default, it's  easier when using a laptop touchpad
for one thing. I've noticed inexperienced users often either double
clicking everything in sight - including the web or random clicking.

The reason why we have double click by default, is apparently because
inexperienced users apparently have trouble managing files (moving and
deleting etc) in single click mode, often opening them when meaning to
select them.

Once nautilus is in single click mode, the only double click items are
the open/save dialogues and the odd thing such as playing a selected
music track in rhythmbox. The open/save dialogue annoys me greatly when
I have to use it.

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