[ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu

gord gordallott at gmail.com
Tue Feb 13 14:53:18 GMT 2007

> Unfortunately Ubuntu isn't going to be promoted by high profile
> advertising anytime soon, so we are going to have to fall back on word
> of mouth, stickers, and so on.

to be honest if the whole word of mouth and such things worked then we
wouldn't have a problem right now. For example you can get ubuntu for
free, you can download or even get it sent to you but the problem is
that 99% of people not only don't have it, they haven't heard of it or
seen it or anything.

if you really want to raise awareness of ubuntu you have to start
talking to the big-wigs, the people who own businesses (small ones
especially), make presentations to people, invite business owners to
linux conferences. Of course there is also the media route as well, talk
to newspapers, online technology websites, many times the fact that
these websites (such as bbc online) don't know much about free software
issues is the single reason that they don't report on them as much as
they should. the way top raise awareness is not to sit back and talk to
yours mates at the pub and hope a sticker will convert some tailgaters,
its to be loud and obnoxious, jump up and down screaming the virtues of
free software from the rooftops, of course after all that you offer
people a free cd :).
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