[ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu

Scrase, Eddie escrase.uk at Wentworthlabs.com
Tue Feb 13 11:10:18 GMT 2007

>> I like the idea of raising awareness. Most people are nowadays geared
>> to expect advertising, mostly high profile advertising. If a product
>> is not advertised, it does NOT exist.
>> I think that a good start is to use as many Ubuntu bumper stickers as
>> we can. Simple, quick, mass advertising.
>> The important reasons 'why Ubuntu?' will be of interest in stage two,
>> when we have peoples attention.
>Bumper stickers.... Yep, got one. Thing is it came with the disk's from
>Canonical, but they are made of paper and have now become water logged... I
>haven't wash my car for a month in fear of it washing off LOL

I haven't got round to getting myself any yet, but the Linux Emporium are
giving away them away (for the cost of a SAE):


Unfortunately Ubuntu isn't going to be promoted by high profile advertising
anytime soon, so we are going to have to fall back on word of mouth,
stickers, and so on.
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