[ubuntu-uk] petitions

baza baza at themauvezone.fsnet.co.uk
Fri Feb 23 00:42:42 GMT 2007

On Fri, 2007-02-23 at 00:32 +0000, ged byrom wrote:
> I have signed a few of these petitions but a mate of mine has put me off 
> signing any more. I forwarded the vehicle tax and tracking one to him 
> and he said he had read it but hadn't signed it because the page was 
> wrote in a code that could be hacked. He did tell me what the page was 
> wrote in but I've forgotten. He didn't like the idea of putting his name 
> and address on such a page.
> I think he's mistaken...what do you think or better still -Know.
> Ged

OK, so the page is not HTTPS, but 'they' can get your address from the
phone book, electoral roll etc. I wouldn't worry about it myself.

I sign these, and if I'm happy...


Cock, lock and ready to rock!

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