[ubuntu-uk] Could Linux (and Ubuntu) do more to encourage students?

Robin Menneer robinmenneer at gmail.com
Sat Feb 3 16:54:20 GMT 2007

On 2/3/07, Eamonn Sullivan <eamonn.sullivan at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2/3/07, Robin Menneer <robinmenneer at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks for the tips - Inskscape is already on my ubuntu package and I'll
> > look at it.  Is there any equivalent to iphoto, a  brilliant apple mac
> > program for simply tweaking photos ?  Robin
> My wife and my mother ("Folder? What's a folder?") have found F-Spot
> to be an acceptable alternative to iPhoto. I've been forcing them to
> use it by putting the higher-end photo printer on Ubuntu and putting
> the work-a-day homework printer on the Mac. (I don't have to worry
> about them ever finding how to use a shared printer, although that's
> perfectly possible...) F-Spot doesn't have the one-button "make my
> photo look better" button that iPhoto has (which is brilliant), but it
> has all the other features you'd normally use, like red-eye removal.
> You can even upload photos easily to Flickr from F-Spot. The iPhoto
> add-on to do that recently became shareware. I think F-Spot became the
> default photo handler in the latest version, Edgy.
> -Eamonn
> --
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I've had a skirmish with f-spot and cannot get the download button to do
other than to send me to a log-in page which won't recognise a user name -
which one is this ?  I'm lower in the intelligence scale than your two dear
ladies.  Help please.  Robin
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