[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu workshop at ACE, Sun 4th March, 11-3

chombee chombee at nerdshack.com
Wed Feb 21 13:03:08 GMT 2007

ACE is an autonomous social centre in Leith, Edinburgh. They have
a fairly new setup with two or thee Ubuntu machines plus printers
and copiers etc. for ACE and general public usage. Thought some folks
on this list might be interested in helping out, or chipping in some
ideas, for the upcoming workshop:

ACE have been having trouble with Ubuntu. Basically it sounds like they
don't know how to use it. I've asked for more specific details. Anyway
they were considering switching one machine back to Windows, but have
agreed to give learning Ubuntu a chance, the idea being some Ubuntu
geeks come and give them a workshop:

> **right - call out to tom/ shaun/ chombee, whoever is free and up for 
> doin this........*sunday 4th march, 11am - 3pm* (just before the 
> screening starts) and all at ace into  figuring out shit.
> lets get the show on the road.

I'm going. Can anyone else help? If we get more info from ACE about what
sort of help they want, should we arrange a pre-meeting at Infoseed to
prepare and plan the best approach?

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