[ubuntu-uk] IT Idiots cover introducing Linux.
Robin Menneer
robinmenneer at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 12:46:03 GMT 2007
On 2/6/07, Alan Pope <alan at popey.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 05, 2007 at 12:09:42PM +0000, Robin Menneer wrote:
> > On 2/5/07, Alan Pope <alan at popey.com> wrote:
> > >
> > >On Mon, Feb 05, 2007 at 10:44:02AM +0000, Robin Menneer wrote:
> > >> Useless to me, a beginner. Concepts are too advanced and gappy in
> > >> presentation. Nevertheless a well-intentioned try which should be
> > >> encouraged.
> > >>
> > >
> > >Ok, so what *would* be useful to you as a beginner?
> > Oh dear, where do I start ?
> >
> Oh-oh. Sounds ominous.
> > I've only had ubuntu a few months and am enjoying it more than I have
> any
> > other system.
> Fantastic, that's a good start :)
> > I started with a Commodore Pet when it first came out as
> > being freedom from the main frame, and have kept away from Windows since
> it
> > started.
> That's some achievement. Many people find it difficult avoiding Windows -
> especially in the workplace.
> > Like many other retireds, I am involved in voluntary work which requires
> > little more than Open Office backed by a friendly file manager. But we
> use
> > photos (you can see the direction we are going at www.cornishedges.com)
> and
> > find we can cope with iphoto (on the other machine), it's a brilliantly
> > simple and effective program. Am looking for a ubuntu substitute for
> it
> > because I don't want to be tied to apple any more than I can help.
> Ok, I'd suggest either f-spot or digikam. Both are very iPhoto-like in
> operation. Not complex like the GIMP.
> > Gimp
> > (the newer version) looks promising but is much too complicated for my
> > greenhorn missus who does a lot with pictures.
> Out of interest what do you do with them? Resizing and cropping or full on
> editing?
We use all the facilities in iphoto. I've had a good look at f-spot and,
> although very friendly, it falls far short of iphoto. Can I use KDE derived
> digikam if I am in ubuntu which I see from this site is Gnome based ?
> As with most other people, I want to expand my expertise but to limit the
> > demands on my skill to a drag-and-drop kind of application install, or a
> > double-click. The ubuntu add-and-remove facility is brilliant, and
> t'would
> > be wonderful if all the proven applications (as bug-free as is
> reasonable)
> > could be obtained off the web using the add/remove for access to a
> > hierarchically arranged (and/or spot-lighted to 7 keyword description)
> list
> > of packages (all thousands of them ?).
> The Linspire people are doing exactly this with their "click and run" [0]
> system. I have not used it with ubuntu but
> they claim Ubuntu is a supported platform.
> So do you suggest I do something with LInspire and if so, how does it work
> with ubuntu ?
> > A thickie-trapped procendure is
> > necessary.
> Heh, clearly not PC but I know what you mean.
> > Anything that requires the entry of code via the terminal is
> > out.
> I totally agree. In my opinion the terminal should be avoided at all
> costs. Whenever giving support I try to coach
> people to use the GUI rather than the terminal. It is of course faster for
> some "experts" to use the command line now
> and then, and will be more flexible in some cases, but for the newbie I
> don't think they "need" to see it.
> > My brain is too addled and ancient to try to forget Fortran and DOS
> > and to use the terminal, tempting though it is. I don't want to risk
> > chewing up the installation by pressing the wrong key.
> This is something i have heard time and time again for many years. "If I
> press the wrong button I might break it".
> Clearly you can break a computer from the command line as you can from
> within a friendly GUI, but the command line
> with its obscure incantations can make this somewhat easier to achieve
> unfortunately, especially if you are just
> typing commands barked at you by an admin person.
Look, I've been with computers since 1971 and know very well what
> injudicious use of the keyboard can do if in terminal mode. Most beginners
> are in the same position but haven't been told so.
I've just realised a difference between OSX and ubuntu, mac is forgiving but
> doen't tell you so (with the result that one continues to rattle on
> blindly), ubuntu is forgiving but tells you so nicely that one feels ok
> about it. The word "error", much beloved, I am told, in Windows, should be
> banned. Remember that, at my thickie level, it should always be the computer
> that is wrong (or rather that the software is inadequate). Thanks for the
> interest. Robin
> I gather that ubuntu is generally regarded as the entry point for linux -
> I
> > came in via Suse which I dumped when they got tied up with Novell,
> getting a
> > mac mini (I couldn't resist the price) in addition to my 6 year old PC
> > laptop. Yet I get the impression that other versions of linux may be
> > superior. I only want the best and must rely on the linux world to
> guide
> > me, not to confuse me - which is what is happening now.
> > Is the above any use as a start ? I'm happy to help. Regards, Robin
> >
> Thanks for the input, very helpful. I always like to hear how non-experts
> are getting on with Ubuntu, and what their
> challenges are.
> Cheers,
> Al.
> --
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