[ubuntu-uk] Kodak launch refillable inkjet printers

Pat evilcorporation at gmail.com
Tue Feb 13 23:53:36 GMT 2007

On 13/02/07, Daniel Watkins <D.M.Watkins at warwick.ac.uk> wrote:

> And how would you back up your argument, which appears to be that
> there's no point doing anything which won't get immediate results? If we
> don't do this stuff then it won't happen.

So instead of citing any justification for your "argument" (shall we call it
an opinion rather than an argument?) - you would rather ask me to justify my

OK. My position is that there is no evidence to indicate that writing
letters to hardware manufacturers affects their choice of licence.  I can
produce all of the above "no evidence".

Your turn.
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