[ubuntu-uk] 6.10 Apache2/PHP problem: You have chosen to open [blank] which is a: PHTML file

Pat evilcorporation at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 22:47:32 GMT 2007

On 07/02/07, David M <lists2007 at trancepod.34sp.com> wrote:

> When I try to open a PHP URL, I get the following error (in Firefox):
> eg, for http://localhost/, where the implied index URL is served via
> PHP:
> You have to chosen to open
> [blank line]
> which is a: PHTML file

I would check that you have mod-php installed for the right version of
Apache & the right version of PHP (so probably libapache2-mod-php5 or

Also check that in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ you have php5.load &
php5.confconfigured correctly.

If everything looks OK, (which it probably will, because of the magic of
apt-get) try clearing the cache of the browser - this one had me stumped for

Whenever I try to restart Apache2 (using apache2ctl), I also get the
> following error:
> apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name,
> using for ServerName
> I've read the Apache docs about 'ServerName' but I'm not sure where this
> directive should actually *go* (or what form, exactly, it should take
> for this installation).

I don't know if it's the "right" place, but I put a line:-

ServerName localhost

on the first line of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default

It gets rid of the irritating message, anyway!
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