May 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Fri May 1 18:55:02 BST 2009
Ending: Sun May 31 23:54:04 BST 2009
Messages: 499
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Some wiki cleanup is needed + notes.
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Some wiki cleanup is needed + notes.
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Some wiki cleanup is needed + notes.
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] user-desktop
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom discuss
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Some wiki cleanup is needed + notes.
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] email discuss
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] email discuss
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] email discuss
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] email discuss
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] email discuss
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] email discuss
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] New Monitor, was: Re: [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] text formats
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]Transmission
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breahte]mail-new?
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]Transmission
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] preferences-system-indexed, search, and zoom
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Opinions on new "edit-paste" "view-refresh" and "system-run"?
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] "Actions" issues
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]Transmission
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] "Actions" issues
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] New Monitor
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom-discuss
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mail-new?
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mail-new?
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]help-about ... Font
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]all navigate butons r.c
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]all navigate butons r.c
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom-discuss 2
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom-discuss 2
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom-discuss 2
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom-discuss 2
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Weather Icons
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Weather Icons
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom-discuss 2
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mail series
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] New submissions (May 6th 2009)
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009 (final)
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009 (final)
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Current BZR bugs
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Current BZR bugs
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Current BZR bugs
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] New submissions (May 6th 2009)
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] folder-fix
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] folder-fix
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 47, Issue 35
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Inkscape Bug
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Inkscape Bug
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] folder-fix
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Fixes (May 9th 2009)
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Fixes (May 9th 2009)
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom-discuss 2
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom-discuss 2
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] canonical design team
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Bad rendering of left and bottom icons ?
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Bad rendering of left and bottom icons ?
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] media-skip-forward
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] media-skip-forward
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
Oliver Scholtz 1
- [ubuntu-art] ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 47, Issue 35
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Freeze and 1st release
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Release Manager position open
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Release Manager position open
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Release Manager position open
- [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu One
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] 1st Release!!
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Embedded Text Rectangle
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Wiki updates
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Wiki updates
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Folder Icon
- [ubuntu-art] Ann: An animation tool which may help artists.
- [ubuntu-art] Ann: An animation tool which may help artists.
- [ubuntu-art] Ann: An animation tool which may help artists.
- [ubuntu-art] Artwork Wiki Page - Draft 2 (Kenneth Wimer)
John Baer
- [ubuntu-art] what colour-palette to use for karmic
John Baer
- [ubuntu-art] Wiki Annotations - Ubuntu People - Artwork Draft 4
John Baer
- [ubuntu-art] Artwork Team Wiki Page - Final
John Baer
- [ubuntu-art] Artwork Team Wiki Page - Final
John Baer
- [ubuntu-art] Submitting Backgrounds Images Correctly
John Baer
- [ubuntu-art] canonical design team
John Baer
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
John Baer
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
Jonathan Blackhall
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
Jonathan Blackhall
- [ubuntu-art] Getting involved
Baldur Blöndal
- [ubuntu-art] Newcommer looking for an assignment
Baldur Pétursson Blöndal
- [ubuntu-art] Reply to Cory
Baldur Pétursson Blöndal
- [ubuntu-art] Getting involved
Baldur Pétursson Blöndal
- [ubuntu-art] Network Manager-icons
Daniel Chapman
- [ubuntu-art] Some questions about the SVG versions of the logo
Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado
- [ubuntu-art] Some questions about the SVG versions of the logo
Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado
- [ubuntu-art] Some questions about the SVG versions of the logo
Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado
- [ubuntu-art] Some questions about the SVG versions of the logo
Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado
- [ubuntu-art] Some questions about the SVG versions of the logo
Jordan Cran
- [ubuntu-art] Joining
Jordan Cran
- [ubuntu-art] How to upload wallpaper submissions...
Ben Crisford
- [ubuntu-art] Some questions about the SVG versions of the logo
coz DS
- [ubuntu-art] Some questions about the SVG versions of the logo
coz DS
- [ubuntu-art] Some questions about the SVG versions of the logo
coz DS
- [ubuntu-art] Some questions about the SVG versions of the logo
coz DS
- [ubuntu-art] ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 47, Issue 3
Kai Day
- [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu Studio user-home icon
Steve Dodier
- [ubuntu-art] Regarding my icons and igorance
Steve Dodier
- [ubuntu-art] Reply to Cory
Steve Dodier
- [ubuntu-art] ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 47, Issue 35
Steve Dodier
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] some more bugs, with XFCE
Steve Dodier
- [ubuntu-art] canonical design team
Steve Dodier
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Bad rendering of left and bottom icons ?
Steve Dodier
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Bad rendering of left and bottom icons ?
Steve Dodier
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Bad rendering of left and bottom icons ?
Steve Dodier
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Preppin' for 1st release (symlinks missing)
Steve Dodier
- [ubuntu-art] Joining
Steve Dodier
- [ubuntu-art] Notification battery icons
Steve Dodier
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] ms-dos mimetype icon
Steve Dodier
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
Steve Dodier
- [ubuntu-art] Ann: An animation tool which may help artists.
- [ubuntu-art] Ann: An animation tool which may help artists.
- [ubuntu-art] Ann: An animation tool which may help artists.
- [ubuntu-art] Ann: An animation tool which may help artists.
- [ubuntu-art] Ann: An animation tool which may help artists.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] text formats
Yann Dìnendal
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
Yann Dìnendal
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
Karol Fabjańczuk
- [ubuntu-art] what colour-palette to use for karmic
Odysseus Flappington
- [ubuntu-art] Please remove
Mish Greer
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
Isaiah Heyer
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Some wiki cleanup is needed + notes.
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Update May 2nd 2009
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Update May 2nd 2009
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Update May 2nd 2009
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] New Monitor
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] "I rule you all with my iron fist!" :P
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] text formats
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Artists, try to remember...
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] modem
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] modem
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] "Actions" issues
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] preferences-system-indexed, search, and zoom
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mail-new?
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Opinions on new "edit-paste" "view-refresh" and "system-run"?
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Opinions on new "edit-paste" "view-refresh" and "system-run"?
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Artists, try to remember...
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Opinions on new "edit-paste" "view-refresh" and "system-run"?
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Artists, try to remember...
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Artists, try to remember...
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] New Monitor
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mail-new?
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mail-new?
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Ubuntu Studio variant
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Ubuntu Studio variant
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Ubuntu Studio variant
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Ubuntu Studio folder icon
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom-discuss 2
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom-discuss 2
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Weather Icons
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Consistent shadowing.
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] New submissions (May 6th 2009)
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] New submissions (May 6th 2009)
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mail series
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] New submissions (May 6th 2009)
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] Newcomer looking for an assignment
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009 (final)
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Freeze and 1st release
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Current BZR bugs
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] Regarding my icons and ignorance
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Current BZR bugs
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] folder-fix
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] audio-card
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Freeze and 1st release
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] keyboard and user-trash updates
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Release Manager position open
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Fixes (May 9th 2009)
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Freeze and 1st release
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Freeze and 1st release
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Freeze and 1st release
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]bugs?
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]brasero
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Release Manager position open
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Folder ideas/fixes
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom-discuss 2
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom-discuss 2
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Folder ideas/fixes
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom-discuss 2
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] Gartoon Redux icons in Edubuntu
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Again, consistent shadowing. mail-* series
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Hard freeze (was: Bad rendering of left and bottom icons)
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Bug reporting
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] some more bugs, with XFCE
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Release Manager position open
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] New folders?
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] media-skip-forward
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Preppin' for 1st release.
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] media-skip-forward
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] media-skip-forward
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Preppin' for 1st release (symlinks missing)
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Preppin' for 1st release
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Preppin' for 1st release
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] Joining
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] 1st Release!!
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Wiki updates
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Wiki updates
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] Notification battery icons
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] 1st Release!! (attn: kwwii)
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] Breath directory
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]action icons redesign
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Be happy with your work
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] ms-dos mimetype icon
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] 1st Release!!
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] ms-dos mimetype icon
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] ms-dos mimetype icon
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] 1st Release!! (attn: kwwii)
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Wiki: Clean your room! :P
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Packaging branch frozen & development focus
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Lobby for "Breathe by default"?
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
Cory K.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
Anton Kerezov
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
Anton Kerezov
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] folder-fix
Anton Kerezov
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] folder-fix
Anton Kerezov
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Freeze and 1st release
Anton Kerezov
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Folder ideas/fixes
Anton Kerezov
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Folder ideas/fixes
Anton Kerezov
- [ubuntu-art] My Backgrounds on
Anton Kerezov
- [ubuntu-art] canonical design team
Anton Kerezov
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] banners for relase
Anton Kerezov
- [ubuntu-art] wallpaper submission.
Anton Kerezov
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
Anton Kerezov
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
Anton Kerezov
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
Anton Kerezov
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
Anton Kerezov
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
Anton Kerezov
- [ubuntu-art] Gartoon Redux icons in Edubuntu
Krzysztof Kosiński
- [ubuntu-art] Gartoon Redux icons in Edubuntu
Krzysztof Kosiński
- [ubuntu-art] Joining
Alex Lancey
- [ubuntu-art] Joining
Alex Lancey
- [ubuntu-art] Portfolio
Alex Lancey
- [ubuntu-art] Breath directory
Alex Lancey
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] 1st Release!!
Dmitrijs Ledkovs
- [ubuntu-art] Hello & Tangerine Icons
Dmitrijs Ledkovs
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] ms-dos mimetype icon
Dmitrijs Ledkovs
- [ubuntu-art] canonical design team
Ivanka Majic
- [ubuntu-art] canonical design team
Ivanka Majic
- [ubuntu-art] plz help
Ivanka Majic
- [ubuntu-art] canonical design team
Fábio Martins
- [ubuntu-art] canonical design team
Fábio Martins
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
Dylan McCall
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
Dylan McCall
- [ubuntu-art] Karmic backgrounds
Dylan McCall
- [ubuntu-art] Wallpapers - svg?
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
- [ubuntu-art] Joining
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Freeze and 1st release
Ryan Prior
- [ubuntu-art] gnome-colors icons for karmic koala
Ryan Prior
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
Mads Rosendahl
- [ubuntu-art] Small change to Karmic/Backgrounds
Mads Rosendahl
- [ubuntu-art] Karmic backgrounds
Mads Rosendahl
- [ubuntu-art] Karmic backgrounds
Mads Rosendahl
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
Mads Rosendahl
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] 1st Release!!
Andrew SB
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] 1st Release!! (attn: kwwii)
Andrew SB
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Ubuntu Studio variant
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Ubuntu Studio folder icon
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Ubuntu Studio folder icon
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Ubuntu Studio folder icon
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Ubuntu Studio folder icon
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Ubuntu Studio folder icon
- [ubuntu-art] Artwork Team Wiki Page - Final
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Weather Icons
- [ubuntu-art] Getting involved
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Weather Icons
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Freeze and 1st release
- [ubuntu-art] Getting involved
- [ubuntu-art] Design Brief for Default Background in 9.10, the Karmic Koala
- [ubuntu-art] wallpaper submission.
- [ubuntu-art] Joining
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
James Schriver
- [ubuntu-art] Ann: An animation tool which may help artists.
Marcelo de Moraes Serpa
- [ubuntu-art] how if you scale them to a litterature
Thomas Sjöbom
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] modem
- [ubuntu-art] gnome-human icon set from gnome-colors icon pack for karmic koala
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] folder-fix
- [ubuntu-art] gnome-colors icons for karmic koala
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
- [ubuntu-art] plz help
- [ubuntu-art] Human skin 1.0 "air is near"
- [ubuntu-art] Karmic backgrounds
- [ubuntu-art] Regarding my icons and igorance
Michael Stephenson
- [ubuntu-art] Regarding my icons and ignorance
Michael Stephenson
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Weather Icons
Chris Tooley
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Weather Icons
Chris Tooley
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
Chris Tooley
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
Chris Tooley
- [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu Studio folder icon
- [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu Studio user-home icon
- [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu Studio user-home icon
- [ubuntu-art] Regarding my icons and igorance
- [ubuntu-art] canonical design team
Saleel Velankar
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] 1st Release!!
- [ubuntu-art] Artwork Wiki Page - Draft 2
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] New Monitor, was: Re: [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] New Monitor
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] [Breahte]mail-new?
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] what colour-palette to use for karmic
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] Artwork Team Wiki Page - Final
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] input-keyboard
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] Background Page Rules
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] Submitting Backgrounds Images Correctly
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 47, Issue 35
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] Inspiration and material
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] My Backgrounds on
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] canonical design team
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] GIMP Background Template
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu One
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] Some questions about the SVG versions of the logo
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] Some questions about the SVG versions of the logo
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] Some questions about the SVG versions of the logo
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] Small change to Karmic/Backgrounds
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] banners for relase
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] wallpaper submission.
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] Human skin 1.0 "air is near"
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Preppin' for 1st release
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] Interesting shots from Windows 7 beta/RC comparison
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]action icons redesign
Thorsten Wilms
- [ubuntu-art] Artwork Wiki Page - Draft 2
Kenneth Wimer
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Ubuntu Studio folder icon
Kenneth Wimer
- [ubuntu-art] Artwork Team Wiki Page - Final
Kenneth Wimer
- [ubuntu-art] Artwork Team Wiki Page - Final
Kenneth Wimer
- [ubuntu-art] ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 47, Issue 41
Kenneth Wimer
- [ubuntu-art] canonical design team
Kenneth Wimer
- [ubuntu-art] canonical design team
Kenneth Wimer
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
Kenneth Wimer
- [ubuntu-art] extra wallpaper package for Karmic
Kenneth Wimer
- [ubuntu-art] ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 47, Issue 49
Kenneth Wimer
- [ubuntu-art] Gartoon Redux icons in Edubuntu
Kenneth Wimer
- [ubuntu-art] Design Brief for Default Background in 9.10, the Karmic Koala
Kenneth Wimer
- [ubuntu-art] Some questions about the SVG versions of the logo
Kenneth Wimer
- [ubuntu-art] Ann: An animation tool which may help artists.
Kenneth Wimer
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Some wiki cleanup is needed + notes.
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Some wiki cleanup is needed + notes.
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Some wiki cleanup is needed + notes.
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom discuss
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] email discuss
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] email discuss
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] email discuss
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] email discuss
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] email discuss
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]Object actions
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] glyphs discussion
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Update May 2nd 2009
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Update May 2nd 2009
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] text formats
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] New Monitor, was: Re: [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] "I rule you all with my iron fist!" :P
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]Transmission
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] update May 2nd 2009
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breahte]mail-new?
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]Transmission
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mail-new?
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]Transmission
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Artists, try to remember...
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mail-new?
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mail-new?
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Ubuntu Studio variant
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mail series
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] New Monitor
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]all navigate butons r.c
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]all navigate butons r.c
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Weather Icons
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mail series
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] folder-fix
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Fixes (May 9th 2009)
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Fixes (May 9th 2009)
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]bugs?
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Freeze and 1st release
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]brasero
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Folder ideas/fixes
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] canonical design team
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Folder ideas/fixes
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [karmik wallpapers] Daniel's red monday(1,2)
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Theme]Human skin
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Bad rendering of left and bottom icons ?
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] banners for relase
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] banners for relase
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] banners for relase
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] banners for relase
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] banners for relase
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Preppin' for 1st release.
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] Human skin 1.0 "air is near"
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] 1st Release!!
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]action icons redesign
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]action icons redesign
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]action icons redesign
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] ms-dos mimetype icon
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]Transmission discuss
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]reflection screens
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] hi!
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] ms-dos mimetype icon
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
daniel planas armangue
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] banners for relase
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] New folders?
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Preppin' for 1st release (symlinks missing)
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe]apps/ nm-signal
- [ubuntu-art] Human skin 1.0 "air is near"
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Preppin' for 1st release
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Preppin' for 1st release
- [ubuntu-art] Network Manager-icons
- [ubuntu-art] Karmic backgrounds
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] ms-dos mimetype icon
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
- [ubuntu-art] ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 47, Issue 28
solaris manzur
- [ubuntu-art] gnome-human icon set from gnome-colors icon pack for karmic koala
solaris manzur
- [ubuntu-art] ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 47, Issue 35
solaris manzur
- [ubuntu-art] ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 47, Issue 35
solaris manzur
- [ubuntu-art] gnome-colors icons for karmic koala
solaris manzur
- [ubuntu-art] ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 47, Issue 41
solaris manzur
- [ubuntu-art] ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 47, Issue 41
solaris manzur
- [ubuntu-art] ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 47, Issue 49
solaris manzur
- [ubuntu-art] == Tangerine Theme ==
solaris manzur
- [ubuntu-art] hi!
alvise rigo
- [ubuntu-art] Wallpaper inspiration
david skagersten
- [ubuntu-art] plz help
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mail series
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Some wiki cleanup is needed + notes.
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom discuss
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] modem
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] modem
- [ubuntu-art] New Monitor
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mail-new?
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] preferences-system-indexed, search, and zoom
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Opinions on new "edit-paste" "view-refresh" and "system-run"?
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mail series
- [ubuntu-art] New Monitor
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] zoom-discuss 2
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] input-keyboard
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Weather Icons
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] input-keyboard
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Freeze and 1st release
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] New submissions (May 6th 2009)
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] audio-card
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] audio-card
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] folder-fix
- [ubuntu-art] canonical design team
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Bad rendering of left and bottom icons ?
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Bad rendering of left and bottom icons ?
- [ubuntu-art] Breathe Icon Set - Folder Icons
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
- [ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Network Manager-icons
Last message date:
Sun May 31 23:54:04 BST 2009
Archived on: Thu Jul 16 04:33:30 BST 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).