[ubuntu-art] Regarding my icons and ignorance

Michael Stephenson mickstephenson at googlemail.com
Thu May 7 02:22:51 BST 2009

2009/5/7 Cory K. <coryisatm at gmail.com>:
> Baldur Pétursson Blöndal wrote:
>>>> Hello, I'm a bit of a newcomer although I've been reading this
>>>> mailing-list for quite some time now
>>>> I'm not completely sure how this works though (I'm not ever sure about
>>>> using a mailing-list) so please be kind :) could anyone recommend an
>>>> icon that I should do (in the Breathe set right)?
>>>> Since it's my first time here I'd just like someone to tell me "draw
>>>> this icon" and then do it. What program is best/do you use creating
>>>> vector images? Inkscape?
>>>> Sorry for the awkward post, I'm normally not like this but I want to be
>>>> on the safe side on this.
>>> Do you have a place that shows previous work?
>> Whoa I have no idea how to reply here, I hope this works.
>> Hi Cory,
>> no I used to work on some icons before but I don't have anything to show
>> for that I'm afraid since I deleted it all a long time ago, I mostly
>> draw now but I doubt that would be of any interest to you (my work is
>> not quite bad)
> I don't get (that last part)
>> Of course you aren't going to accept work from just anybody and I should
>> have seen this coming- should I try making an icon or two, submit them
>> here and see what you guys think?
> That would be fine.
>> If you like them then I'm glad to be
>> of any help but if you don't I'll leave it to you guys
> No need to be dramatic. ;)
> And please keep the topics consistent. No need to change the topic that
> way. :) Or at least change it to something, Like "How do I get involved". ;)
> -Cory K.
> --
> ubuntu-art mailing list
> ubuntu-art at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art

Don't know how you managed to do that but the subject is in reply to
Ufuk but the message body is in reply to Baldur Pétursson Blöndal

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