[ubuntu-art] Gartoon Redux icons in Edubuntu

Krzysztof Kosiński tweenk.pl at gmail.com
Sun May 17 19:18:10 BST 2009

2009/5/15 Cory K. <coryisatm at gmail.com>:
> We've chatted before. :) I used Ubuntoon from GNOME-Look as a base for:
> https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntoon. (which is what the Edubuntu package
> uses) I actually have some of your changes but haven't pulled them in
> quite a while. We should try to see what we can pull together officially
> for Edubuntu.

The package I have in my PPA should be directly usable in Edubuntu.
The only things that need to be changed is the maintainer field and
the versions in the changelog. It might be less work to re-add
whatever tweaks are necessary to my package instead of trying to merge
my package into Ubuntoon - there are much more improvements / new
icons in GR than in Ubuntoon, and I also have a build system that
generates icon symlinks and PNG renderings.

Regards, Krzysztof Kosiński

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