August 2008 Archives by subject
Starting: Fri Aug 1 03:56:00 BST 2008
Ending: Sun Aug 31 20:38:28 BST 2008
Messages: 329
- [hardy:cyrus-imapd-2.2] imapd.conf comment conflicts with the manual
Henrik Pauli
- [needs-packaging] bug reports
Brian Murray
- [needs-packaging] bug reports
Scott Kitterman
- [needs-packaging] bug reports
Jordan Mantha
- [patch] font-size in gnochm (LP#86889)...
Daniel J Blueman
- A blog for the MOTU?
Morten Kjeldgaard
- Accepted: dibbler 0.7.1-2ubuntu1 (source)
Jordan Mantha
- Activity scores for REVU
- Activity scores for REVU
- Activity scores for REVU
Emmet Hikory
- Andrea Gasparini (gaspa) is a Universe Contributor
Daniel Holbach
- Announcing Michael Casadevall as an Xubuntu Developer
Cody A.W. Somerville
- AUdacity Bug
- bash vs dash
Jiafu Gao
- bash vs dash
John Dong
- bash vs dash
Jiafu Gao
- bash vs dash
Reinhard Tartler
- Can't upload to REVU
Stefan Potyra
- Can't upload to REVU
Michael Casadevall
- Caucho Resin
Emil Ong
- Caucho Resin
- Caucho Resin
Emil Ong
- Caucho Resin
Mario Limonciello
- Caucho Resin
Scott Kitterman
- Caucho Resin
Michael Bienia
- Caucho Resin
Emil Ong
- Changes to the Ubuntu Universe Sponsors Administrators team
Emmet Hikory
- Changes to the Ubuntu Universe Sponsors Administrators team
Luca Falavigna
- Changes to the Ubuntu Universe Sponsors Administrators team
Emmet Hikory
- Christophe Sauthier (huats) is a Universe Contributor
Daniel Holbach
- Considering component-specific work when reviewing applications
Michael Bienia
- Considering component-specific work when reviewing applications
Dustin Kirkland
- Considering component-specific work when reviewing applications
Emmet Hikory
- Considering component-specific work when reviewing applications
Scott Kitterman
- Considering component-specific work when reviewing applications
Reinhard Tartler
- Considering component-specific work when reviewing applications
Michael Bienia
- Considering component-specific work when reviewing applications
Jordan Mantha
- Considering component-specific work when reviewing applications
Scott Kitterman
- Considering component-specific work when reviewing applications
Jordan Mantha
- Considering component-specific work when reviewing applications
Stephan Hermann
- Considering component-specific work when reviewing applications
Soren Hansen
- Considering component-specific work when reviewing applications
Soren Hansen
- Considering component-specific work when reviewing applications
Reinhard Tartler
- Considering component-specific work when reviewing applications
Emmet Hikory
- David Futcher (bobbo) is a Universe Contributor
Daniel Holbach
- DebianPython New-policy.
Henrik Stokseth
- DebianPython New-policy.
Nicolas Valcarcel
- DebianPython New-policy.
Nicolas Valcarcel
- Didiwiki + Dillo + Ubuntu
rafmav at
- dmx4linux-tools
Emmanuel Deban
- Doubts while creating a new package
Jose Luis Blanco
- Doubts while creating a new package
Morten Kjeldgaard
- Dustin Kirkland (kirkland) is now a MOTU
Emmet Hikory
- Dustin Kirkland (kirkland) is now a MOTU
Nicolas Valcarcel
- Dustin Kirkland (kirkland) is now a MOTU
Emanuele Gentili
- Feature Freeze approaching, please help with sponsoring queue!
Luca Falavigna
- font-size in gnochm (LP#86889)...
Daniel J Blueman
- Fwd: [Motu-mentoring-reception] Minutes of the Meeting of the Motu Mentoring Reception of the 31/07/2007
Scott Kitterman
- Fwd: [Motu-mentoring-reception] Minutes of the Meeting of the Motu Mentoring Reception of the 31/07/2007
Cesare Tirabassi
- Fwd: New: gtk-kde4 0.8~b1-0ubuntu1 (source)
Steve Stalcup
- Fwd: Re: [Laconica-dev] Packaging for Ubuntu
( ``-_-´´ ) -- Fernando
- GEOS 2.2.3-4 Ubuntu. PostGIS 1.3 is cited as needing GEOS 3.0.
barney holmes
- GEOS 2.2.3-4 Ubuntu. PostGIS 1.3 is cited as needing GEOS 3.0.
Michael Bienia
- GEOS 2.2.3-4 Ubuntu. PostGIS 1.3 is cited as needing GEOS 3.0.
barney holmes
- gimp-refocus bug
Domen Puncer
- gimp-refocus bug
Dereck Wonnacott
- gweled localization error
Oguz Yarimtepe
- gweled localization error
Oguz Yarimtepe
- gweled localization error
Emmet Hikory
- Hosting and Vcs-* fields in packages modified from Debian
Loïc Minier
- Hosting and Vcs-* fields in packages modified from Debian
Bryce Harrington
- Hosting and Vcs-* fields in packages modified from Debian
Robert Collins
- Hosting and Vcs-* fields in packages modified from Debian
Loïc Minier
- how to get approved?
Kasper Peeters
- how to get approved?
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Lucas Nussbaum
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Scott Kitterman
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Steven Harms
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Scott Kitterman
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Emmet Hikory
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Michael Casadevall
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Steve Langasek
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Scott Kitterman
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Scott Kitterman
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Michael Casadevall
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Justin Dugger
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Michael Casadevall
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Scott Kitterman
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Michael Casadevall
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Justin Dugger
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Stephan Hermann
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Lucas Nussbaum
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Mathias Gug
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
Scott Kitterman
- Huh? swt-gtk 3.4 in Universe?
John Dong
- Huh? swt-gtk 3.4 in Universe?
John Dong
- I cannot continue with Ubuntu development using LP
Cesare Tirabassi
- I cannot continue with Ubuntu development using LP
Michael Casadevall
- I cannot continue with Ubuntu development using LP
Scott Kitterman
- I cannot continue with Ubuntu development using LP
Nicolas Valcarcel
- ia32-libs
Stephan Hermann
- Iain Lane (Laney) now a Contributing Developer
Emmet Hikory
- Iain Lane (Laney) now a Contributing Developer
Iulian Udrea
- Introducing the cruft-busters
Michael Casadevall
- Introducing the cruft-busters
Jeffrey Ratcliffe
- Introducing the cruft-busters
Michael Casadevall
- James Westby (james_w) is now an Ubuntu Universe Contributor
Emmet Hikory
- Key Team Election Policy
Michael Casadevall
- Key Team Election Policy
Luca Falavigna
- Key Team Election Policy
Emmet Hikory
- Key Team Election Policy
Scott Kitterman
- kopete-kde4 vs. kopete-plugin-otr-kde4
Dennis Jansen
- kopete-kde4 vs. kopete-plugin-otr-kde4
Harald Sitter
- later version of Zim for Hardy
Albert Wagner
- libaws2.2 on ubuntu
Thomas De Contes
- libaws2.2 on ubuntu
Luca Falavigna
- libsyck0-dev
Alex Norman
- libsyck0-dev
Stefan Potyra
- Lilypond's debian control file out of date? was: Re: live cd-with lilypond
Thomas Bushnell BSG
- Lilypond's debian control file out of date? was: Re: live cd-with lilypond
Reinhold Kainhofer
- Lilypond's debian control file out of date? was: Re: live cd-with lilypond
Rob Canning
- llvm-cfe, installation bug?
Karl Landström
- Logs of today's MOTU School session on Maintainer scripts
Jonathan Marsden
- Merging extensions for Mozilla applications
- Merging extensions for Mozilla applications
- MOTU Meeting 8th August, 04:00 UTC
Emmet Hikory
- MOTU Meeting Notes
Michael Casadevall
- MOTU Meeting Notes
Robert Collins
- MOTU Meeting Notes
Stephan Hermann
- MOTU Meeting Notes
Emmet Hikory
- MOTU Meeting Notes
Stephan Hermann
- MOTU School session on merging best practices on August 14
James Westby
- MOTU School sessions for Developer week wanted
James Westby
- motu-release needs you
Stefan Potyra
- motu-release needs you
Luca Falavigna
- motu-release needs you
Stefan Potyra
- motu-release needs you
Cesare Tirabassi
- motu-release needs you
Nicolas Valcarcel
- motu-release needs you
Stefan Potyra
- motu-release team meeting today at 11.00 UTC
Stefan Potyra
- motu-release team meeting today at 11.00 UTC
Mario Limonciello
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Stefan Potyra
- motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.
Stefan Potyra
- motu-sru renewal?
Luca Falavigna
- motu-sru renewal? (was: Stepping down from MOTU SRU)
Luca Falavigna
- motu-sru renewal? (was: Stepping down from MOTU SRU)
Cesare Tirabassi
- motu-sru renewal? (was: Stepping down from MOTU SRU)
Scott Kitterman
- new package, need review
Kasper Peeters
- new package, need review
Jose Luis Blanco
- new package, need review
Jose Luis Blanco
- new package, need review
Kasper Peeters
- new package, need review
- new package, need review
Kasper Peeters
- New: libjna-java 3.0.4-0ubuntu1 (source)
Daniel Holbach
- next motu meeting - sep 5th, 20.00 UTC
Stefan Potyra
- nginx package
Emmet Hikory
- Nicolas Valcárcel (nvalcarcel) is a MOTU
Daniel Holbach
- Nicolas Valcárcel (nxvl) now is a Universe Contributor
Daniel Holbach
- Nicolas Valcárcel (nxvl) now is a Universe Contributor
Emanuele Gentili
- Non-English characters in debian/control
Jad/Hakam madi
- Non-English characters in debian/control
Emmet Hikory
- Non-English characters in debian/control
James Westby
- Onkar Shinde (slytherin) is a Universe Contributor
Daniel Holbach
- Patch systems in packages
Nicolas Valcarcel
- Patch systems in packages
Scott Kitterman
- Patch systems in packages
Nicolas Valcarcel
- Patch systems in packages
Justin Dugger
- Patch systems in packages
Jordan Mantha
- Patch systems in packages
Scott Kitterman
- Patch systems in packages
Steve Langasek
- Patch systems in packages
Jordan Mantha
- Patch systems in packages
Reinhard Tartler
- Patch systems in packages
Phillip Susi
- Patch systems in packages
Lars Wirzenius
- Patch systems in packages
Robert Collins
- Patch systems in packages
Scott Kitterman
- Patch systems in packages
Emmet Hikory
- Patch systems in packages
Reinhard Tartler
- Patch systems in packages
Stephan Hermann
- Patch systems in packages
Steve Langasek
- Patch systems in packages
Robert Collins
- Patch systems in packages
Phillip Susi
- Patch systems in packages
Phillip Susi
- Patch systems in packages
Phillip Susi
- Patch systems in packages
Scott Kitterman
- Patch systems in packages
Stephan Hermann
- Patch systems in packages
Emmet Hikory
- Patch systems in packages
Stefan Potyra
- Patch systems in packages
Phillip Susi
- Patch systems in packages
Phillip Susi
- Patch systems in packages
Phillip Susi
- Patch systems in packages
Phillip Susi
- Patch systems in packages
Emmet Hikory
- Patch systems in packages
Scott Kitterman
- Patch systems in packages
Phillip Susi
- Patch systems in packages
Scott Kitterman
- pbuilder twice in a row option
Nicolas Valcarcel
- pbuilder twice in a row option
Nicolas Valcarcel
- pbuilder twice in a row option
Jonathan Marsden
- pbuilder twice in a row option
Cesare Tirabassi
- pbuilder twice in a row option
Nicolas Valcarcel
- pbuilder twice in a row option
Nicolas Valcarcel
- pbuilder twice in a row option
Matt Zimmerman
- pbuilder twice in a row option
Scott Kitterman
- pbuilder twice in a row option
Daniel Holbach
- pbuilder twice in a row option
Matt Zimmerman
- pbuilder twice in a row option
Scott Kitterman
- pbuilder twice in a row option
Nicolas Valcarcel
- pbuilder twice in a row option
Phillip Susi
- pbuilder twice in a row option
Scott Kitterman
- pbuilder twice in a row option
Lucas Nussbaum
- pbuilder twice in a row option
Phillip Susi
- pbuilder twice in a row option
Stefan Potyra
- pbuilder twice in a row option
Phillip Susi
- please don't make changes to libgems-ruby for the moment (was Re: How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream))
Stefan Potyra
- Please fix bug
Denis Klimov
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Reinhard Tartler
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Cesare Tirabassi
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Reinhard Tartler
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Cesare Tirabassi
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Scott Kitterman
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Sarah Hobbs
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Marcelo Boveto Shima
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Michael Casadevall
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Reinhard Tartler
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Reinhard Tartler
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Scott Kitterman
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Christian Robottom Reis
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Christian Robottom Reis
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Scott Kitterman
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Christian Robottom Reis
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Reinhard Tartler
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Reinhard Tartler
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Jordan Mantha
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Jonathan Marsden
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Scott Kitterman
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Scott Kitterman
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Scott Kitterman
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Christian Robottom Reis
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Christian Robottom Reis
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Scott Kitterman
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Christian Robottom Reis
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Scott Kitterman
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Scott Kitterman
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Sarah Hobbs
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Jonathan Marsden
- Proposed Features for Launchpad Bugs 3.0 - call for help!
Cody A.W. Somerville
- python-xml doesn't contain all of the modules
Paweł Skarżyński
- python-xml doesn't contain all of the modules
Scott Kitterman
- qc-usb-source 0.6.6-4
- qc-usb-source 0.6.6-4
Jérémie Corbier
- Quick Introduction
David Dodd
- Removal of illegal packages
Stephen Sweeney
- Removal of illegal packages
Guus Sliepen
- Removal of illegal packages
Stephen Sweeney
- Removal of illegal packages
jdong at
- Removal of illegal packages
Adna rim
- Removal of illegal packages
John Dong
- Removal of illegal packages
Adna rim
- Removal of illegal packages
Matthias Kilian
- Removal of illegal packages
Neal McBurnett
- Removal of illegal packages
Caroline Ford
- Request for guidance from motu-release
James Westby
- Request for guidance from motu-release
Michael Haas
- Request for guidance from motu-release
Reinhard Tartler
- Request for guidance from motu-release
Stefan Potyra
- Request for update to OpenTTD
Danté Jones
- Request for update to OpenTTD
Christopher Halse Rogers
- Reviving The MOTU-Torrent Team?
David Futcher
- Reviving The MOTU-Torrent Team?
John Dong
- Reviving The MOTU-Torrent Team?
David Futcher
- Reviving The MOTU-Torrent Team?
John Dong
- REVU: ircp-tray 0.7.3~bzr40-0ubuntu1 (source)
Scott Kitterman
- REVU: New: easystroke 0.2.2-0ubuntu1 (source)
Scott Kitterman
- REVU: New: gamgi 0.13.8+dfsg-0ubuntu1 (source)
Scott Kitterman
- REVU: New: hamster-applet 2.23.90-0ubuntu1 (source)
- REVU: New: libnb-platform-java 6.1-0ubuntu1 (source)
Emmet Hikory
- REVU: New: pywebkitgtk 1.0.1-0ubuntu1 (source)
Nicolas Valcarcel
- REVU: New: qlix 0.2.6-0ubuntu1 (source)
Scott Kitterman
- REVU: New: rsplib 2.5.0~rc1-0ubuntu1 (source)
- REVU: New: vboxgtk 0.4.0-0ubuntu1 (source)
Scott Kitterman
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Neil Wilson
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Scott Kitterman
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Mathias Gug
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Mathias Gug
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Mathias Gug
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Scott Kitterman
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Emmet Hikory
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Stephan Hermann
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Neil Wilson
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Stephan Hermann
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
David Portwood
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Darren Hinderer
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Stephan Hermann
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Scott Kitterman
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Scott Kitterman
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Scott Kitterman
- slbackup-php
- SRU: please take a look at bug 241402
Michael Haas
- SRU: please take a look at bug 241402
Luca Falavigna
- SRU: please take a look at bug 241402
Luca Falavigna
- SRU: please take a look at bug 241402
Michael Haas
- Stepping down from MOTU SRU.
Luke Yelavich
- sync request sponsorship
Nicolas Valcarcel
- sync request sponsorship
Scott Kitterman
- sync request sponsorship
Emmet Hikory
- sync request sponsorship
Nicolas Valcarcel
- The Key Team Policy is now offical
Michael Casadevall
- Trying to deploy a grails application in Ubuntu/Debian tomcat 5.5
Henning Sprang
- Trying to deploy a grails application in Ubuntu/Debian tomcat 5.5
Mathias Gug
- Trying to deploy a grails application in Ubuntu/Debian tomcat 5.5
Stephan Hermann
- Trying to deploy a grails application in Ubuntu/Debian tomcat 5.5
Henning Sprang
- Trying to deploy a grails application in Ubuntu/Debian tomcat 5.5
Stephan Hermann
- Ubuntu-motu Digest, Vol 34, Issue 38
- Universe Contributors applications
Emmet Hikory
- unsubscribe
Walter Junior Schaeffenacker
- unsubscribe
Walter Junior Schaeffenacker
- vym 1.12
Hallstein Lunde
- What up with emacs-extra?
David Bush
- What up with emacs-extra?
Reinhard Tartler
- Why does mercurial package on Ubuntu suggest python-mysqldb?
Peter Arrenbrecht
- Why does mercurial package on Ubuntu suggest python-mysqldb?
Iain Lane
- Why does mercurial package on Ubuntu suggest python-mysqldb?
Matt Mackall
- Why does mercurial package on Ubuntu suggest python-mysqldb?
Piotr Ożarowski
- WinFF and Lazarus
Paul Gevers
- XMLTV package not up to date in Hardy
Nicolas Michel
- xsu removal from intrepid and future releases
Philip Wyett
- yatm_0.6.orig.tar.gz
Daan Hoogland
Last message date:
Sun Aug 31 20:38:28 BST 2008
Archived on: Mon Sep 1 08:10:36 BST 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).