Merging extensions for Mozilla applications

Siegfried-Angel siggi.gevatter at
Sat Aug 9 15:44:11 BST 2008

Hello fellow developers,

I've noticed more than once that extensions for Mozilla applications
are being merged just to change the dependencies (and in some cases
the description) from the package names in Debian to those in Ubuntu
(iceweasel -> firefox, iceape -> seamonkey, icedove -> thunderbird),
and I wanted to point out that this alone is not enough for the
package to work in Ubuntu.

It's necessary to look in debian/links (or debian/rules if the package
uses dh_link directly) and change the directories there
(/usr/lib/iceweasel/ to /usr/lib/firefox/ and so on), as else the
applications won't detect the extension. As a side note, if it works
on Firefox 3 you'll also want to ensure that the package creates a
symlink in /usr/lib/firefox-addons/ (as, iirc, usr/lib/firefox/ is
only for version 2).


Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals (RainCT)
GNU/Linux User #438657. Ubuntu User #11680.

P.D.: Mozilla guys, please correct me if I've got something wrong :).

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