font-size in gnochm (LP#86889)...

Daniel J Blueman daniel.blueman at
Sat Aug 30 15:30:19 BST 2008

I've been bumping into the issue of the fonts being undersized,
viewing CHM files in gnochm for some time (ie >3 years).

After some investigation, the libgtkhtml2 libraries are working as
expected and a workaround is needed for the small fonts specified in
CHM files; presumably authors of CHM files test them against the CHM
viewer in windows, which has a similar font-scaling trick for legacy

I've added a patch to this email (also in LP#86889) to add as clean
workaround as possible, built and validated it on a battery of CHM
files, and it looks good.

How can we this reviewed and possible updated in time for Intrepid?
I'd say it's certainly a troublesome usability bug, affecting Ubuntu's
main use-profile (ie desktop).

Daniel J Blueman
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