pbuilder twice in a row option

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Mon Aug 4 18:18:17 BST 2008

On Mon, 4 Aug 2008 18:09:04 +0100 Matt Zimmerman <mdz at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>On Mon, Aug 04, 2008 at 07:01:09PM +0200, Daniel Holbach wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Scott Kitterman schrieb:
>> > On Mon, 4 Aug 2008 17:16:07 +0100 Matt Zimmerman <mdz at ubuntu.com> 
>> >> I'm sure Debian developers would appreciate the patches to find and 
>> >> these bugs.
>> > 
>> > He's already sent the patch to Debian's BTS.
>> Scott: I think you're talking about
>> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=493538 - Matt was
>> talking about fixes to the packages that don't build properly twice in a
>> row.
>Indeed, that's the "find" part.  Folks who use the tool should remember to
>submit the bugs as well (the "fix" part) and tag them appropriately per the
>Lenny release goal list.

Right.  Sorry for the confusion.  That's what I get for reading email 
quickly on my phone.

Hopefully Lucas has rebuilt the Debian archive enough times these are 
mostly identified, but I completely agree.

Scott K

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