motu-sru renewal? (was: Stepping down from MOTU SRU)

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Wed Aug 6 13:58:20 BST 2008

On Wednesday 06 August 2008 05:51, Luca Falavigna wrote:
> Luke Yelavich ha scritto:
> > I'm writing to announce that I have decided to step down from MOTU SRU.
> Luke, thank you very much for your help so far!
> Recently, Scott [1] and Stephan [2] left the team, a big thanks for your
> contributions in the team and my best luck with your current activities!
> Also, John is busy with real life [3] and could not help right now,
> motu-sru limits to Cody and me, actually.
> Even if SRU work is smaller now if compared to the days following Hardy
> release, there are some requests which need to be reviewed. I managed
> some bugs yesterday and will process more this week (I'm on holiday, I
> can spend more time on Ubuntu), but I think we should add at least one
> new member now to help out with outstanding bugs and eventually reach 5
> elements before Intrepid release to help during post-release days.
> Thoughts?
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
I think you've been really carrying the load and it ought to be better shared.

I'd also suggest we consider process changes to make it less overwhelming.  
Right now it seems like motu-sru is expected to look at any bug that anyone 
wants fixed in a stable release.  I think it'd be better if motu-sru didn't 
get involved until after someone had decided they were going to try and fix 

Scott K

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