February 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Feb 1 08:07:10 BST 2006
Ending: Tue Feb 28 21:21:20 BST 2006
Messages: 261
- UVF exception request for ejabberd
Christian Dröge
- UVF Exception: lighttpd 1.4.10
Christian Dröge
- UVF Exception: ikvm
Sebastian Dröge
- gmime2.1 2.1.19 UVF Exception Report
Sebastian Dröge
- Beagle 0.2.1 UVF Exception Report
Sebastian Dröge
- UVF exception: gtk-sharp2 2.8.1
Sebastian Dröge
- UVF exception: banshee 0.10.5
Sebastian Dröge
- UVF exception: liferea 1.0.3
Sebastian Dröge
- bakery2.3 (2.3.16 -> 2.3.17)
Sebastian Dröge
- UVF exception: nemerle 0.9.2
Sebastian Dröge
- UVF exception: liferea 1.0.3
Sebastian Dröge
- UVF exception: banshee 0.10.6 (was: Re: UVF exception: banshee
Sebastian Dröge
- UVF exception: ipod-sharp 0.5.15
Sebastian Dröge
- UVF Exception: libipoddevice 0.4.1
Sebastian Dröge
- UVF Exception for f-spot (0.1.5 -> 0.1.9)
Sebastian Dröge
- UVF exception: gnome-web-photo 0.1.1 -> 0.2
Sebastian Dröge
- Open Sync Requests, Week 7
Sebastian Dröge
- [Bug 6570] Please switch to daelstorm nicotine
Sebastian Dröge
- UVF exception: dnsmasq 2.26 [Fwd: dnsmasq package in Dapper.]
Sebastian Dröge
- UVF exception: cowbell 0.2.6
Sebastian Dröge
- dnsmasq package in Dapper.
Sebastian Dröge
- UVF exception: liferea 1.0.5
Sebastian Dröge
- UVF exception: cowbell
Sebastian Dröge
- Muine UVF exception request
Sebastian Dröge
- Syncs: cowbell, libipoddevice, gmime2.1
Sebastian Dröge
- MOTU WikiPages reorganization
Raphaël Pinson
- REVU Tools
Raphaël Pinson
- REVU Tools
Raphaël Pinson
- REVU Tools
Raphaël Pinson
- [UVF Exception request] Kyamo 0.2b1
Raphaël Pinson
Raphaël Pinson
Raphaël Pinson
Raphaël Pinson
- I'm new in list
Xavier Diumé
- [UVF Exception Request] Wesnoth 1.1.1
Raphaël Pinson
- [UVF Exception Request] Wesnoth 1.1.1
Raphaël Pinson
- Open Sync Requests, Week 8
Raphaël Pinson
- UVF exception request: rsibreak 0.5.0
Achim Bohnet
- Repackaging a Debian package for use with Breezy
Andrew Conkling
- UVF exception: krusader 1.70.0
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- debian/watch and sourceforge
Kenny Duffus
- MOTU: Anyone planning on packaging Cube?
Zak B. Elep
- [Motu-reviewers] [REVU][COMMENT] for emacs-nxml-mode
Zak B. Elep
- UVF exception: gnome-rdp 0.2.0
Szilveszter Farkas
- UVF-exception: bzrtools (installable again)
Gustavo Franco
- UVF-exception: bzrtools (installable again)
Gustavo Franco
- Important note for UVF exception submitters.
Gustavo Franco
- UVF Exception for f-spot (0.1.5 -> 0.1.9)
Gustavo Franco
- REVU and GPar2
LESUEUR Francois
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Oliver Grawert
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Oliver Grawert
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Oliver Grawert
- Subject: UVF Exception: ikvm
Brandon Hale
- Beagle 0.2.1 UVF Exception Report
Brandon Hale
- gmime2.1 2.1.19 UVF Exception Report
Brandon Hale
- UVF exception: nemerle 0.9.2
Brandon Hale
- UVF exception: liferea 1.0.3
Brandon Hale
- UVF exception: banshee 0.10.5
Brandon Hale
- Muine UVF exception request
Brandon Hale
- Morgue for MOTU ?
Stephan Hermann
- UVF-exception: bzrtools (installable again)
Stephan Hermann
- UVF exception request for ejabberd
Stephan Hermann
- Morgue for MOTU ?
Stephan Hermann
- Morgue for MOTU ?
Stephan Hermann
- Morgue for MOTU ?
Stephan Hermann
- Morgue for MOTU ?
Stephan Hermann
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Stephan Hermann
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Stephan Hermann
- UVF exception bluefish
Stephan Hermann
- my uvf exceptions
Stephan Hermann
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Stephan Hermann
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Stephan Hermann
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Stephan Hermann
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Stephan Hermann
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Stephan Hermann
- UVF-Exception: wine 0.9.8
Stephan Hermann
- UVF-Exception: wine 0.9.8
Stephan Hermann
- Open Sync Requests, Week 7 - much more open syncs ;)
Stephan Hermann
- Open Sync Requests, Week 7 - much more open syncs ;)
Stephan Hermann
- UVF-exception: xpdf (security)
Daniel Holbach
- UVF-exception: bzrtools (installable again)
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exceptions for Universe - batch 3
Daniel Holbach
- UVF Exception: lighttpd 1.4.10
Daniel Holbach
- [Fwd: Please update Ubuntu Gnomebaker packages to 0.5.1 final
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exception - glom
Daniel Holbach
- It's the HUG DAY!
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exception request: ontv 1.6.2 -> 1.8.4
Daniel Holbach
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exception - glom
Daniel Holbach
- UVF Exception request: Texmaker
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exception: gtk-sharp2 2.8.1
Daniel Holbach
- bakery2.3 (2.3.16 -> 2.3.17)
Daniel Holbach
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exception: liferea 1.0.3
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exception request: scim-tables 0.5.6
Daniel Holbach
- UVF-exception: skim-1.4.4(fix bug)
Daniel Holbach
- UVF Request for gtk-gnutella
Daniel Holbach
- [UVF Exception request] Kyamo 0.2b1
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exception bluefish
Daniel Holbach
- UVF-exception: skim-1.4.4(fix bug)
Daniel Holbach
- UVF-exception: skim-1.4.4(fix bug)
Daniel Holbach
- UVF for chroot 0.1.7 -> 0.2.2
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exceptions for Universe - batch 4
Daniel Holbach
- UVF Exception: libipoddevice 0.4.1
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exception: ipod-sharp 0.5.15
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exception: banshee 0.10.6 (was: Re: UVF exception: banshee
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exception - glom
Daniel Holbach
- MOTU report - issue 12
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exception request: bum (2.1.4-1 to 2.1.5-1)
Daniel Holbach
- UVF Exception Request: gtkedit (0.1-0ubuntu1 to 0.2-0ubuntu1)
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exception: fortunes-spam (1.2-1 to 1.3-0ubuntu1)
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exception: gnome-web-photo 0.1.1 -> 0.2
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exception request: apt-proxy 1.9.33
Daniel Holbach
- Open Sync Requests, Week 7 - much more open syncs ;)
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exception - glom
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exception: cowbell
Daniel Holbach
- Change of UVF exceptions process
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exception: liferea 1.0.5
Daniel Holbach
- UVF exception: cowbell
Daniel Holbach
- Change of UVF exceptions process
Daniel Holbach
- Muine UVF exception request
Daniel Holbach
- UVF-exception: skim-1.4.4(fix bug)
Zhengpeng Hou
- UVF-exception: skim-1.4.4(fix bug)
Ming Hua
- UVF exception request: apt-proxy 1.9.33
Ming Hua
- UVF exception request: apt-proxy 1.9.33
Ming Hua
- [UVF Exception Request] Wesnoth 1.1.1
Ming Hua
- Main inclusion of scim-tables (was Re: UVF exceptions for Universe
- batch 4)
Ming Hua
- UVF exception request: ttf-alee (6.4 to 7.1)
Ming Hua
- UVF exception request: ttf-alee (6.4 to 7.1)
Ming Hua
- [mr_faber@gmx.net: [Bug 5915] version 2.1.0 avaible]
Jamie Jones
- [mr_faber-hi6Y0CQ0nG0@public.gmane.org: [Bug 5915] version
2.1.0 avaible]
Jamie Jones
- UVF Exception: xvidcore 1.1.0 final
Jamie Jones
- UVF Exception: avidemux 2.1.1
Jamie Jones
- UVF for dosemu 1.2.2
Jamie Jones
- [Bug 6570] Please switch to daelstorm nicotine
Jamie Jones
- [Bug 6585] Hotplug dependency in nut-usb package
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- [Bug 6585] Hotplug dependency in nut-usb package
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- [CAN-2006-0579] Heap overflow in mplayer
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- [Fwd: UVF Exception Request: Graphmonkey]
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Change of UVF exceptions process
Dennis Kaarsemaker
- UVF for sylpheed-claws-gtk2 (Was: sylpheed-claws in
Colin Leroy
Jordan Mantha
- new poll for MOTU work coordination
Jordan Mantha
- UVF execption request for BUM
Fabio Marzocca
- UVF Exception for f-spot (0.1.5 -> 0.1.9)
Andrew Mitchell
- UVF exception request for xfce packages
Jani Monoses
- new poll for MOTU work coordination
Benjamin Montgomery
- Open Sync Requests, Week 8
Benjamin Montgomery
- MOTU: Anyone planning on packaging Cube?
John Richard Moser
- MOTU meeting minutes
Lucas Nussbaum
- Morgue for MOTU ?
Lucas Nussbaum
- Morgue for MOTU ?
Lucas Nussbaum
- Morgue for MOTU ?
Lucas Nussbaum
- uvf exception: flashplugin-nonfree
Lucas Nussbaum
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Lucas Nussbaum
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Lucas Nussbaum
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Lucas Nussbaum
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Lucas Nussbaum
- UVF Exception request for feed2imap 0.6-1 -> 0.7-1
Lucas Nussbaum
- UVF exception request: librmagick-ruby 1.9.3-1 -> 1.10.0-2
Lucas Nussbaum
- UVF exception request for rake 0.6.2-2 -> 0.7.0-1
Lucas Nussbaum
- UVF exception request: librmagick-ruby 1.9.3-1 -> 1.10.0-2
Lucas Nussbaum
- UVF exception request for rake 0.6.2-2 -> 0.7.0-1
Lucas Nussbaum
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Matt Palmer
- debian/watch and sourceforge
Matthew Palmer
- UVF Exception Request: gtkedit (0.1-0ubuntu1 to 0.2-0ubuntu1)
Chris Peterman
- UVF exception: fortunes-spam (1.2-1 to 1.3-0ubuntu1)
Danilo Piazzalunga
- ocaml-transition
Gauvain Pocentek
- UVF Exception request: Texmaker
Gauvain Pocentek
- ocaml-transition
Gauvain Pocentek
- UVF-exception: xpdf (security)
Stefan Potyra
- MOTU Meeting Minutes from 12 Jan 2006 (finally)
Stefan Potyra
- uvf exception: flashplugin-nonfree
Stefan Potyra
- ocaml-transition
Stefan Potyra
- allegro transition - a kind of UVF exception
Stefan Potyra
- allegro transition - a kind of UVF exception (w.o. diffstat and
Stefan Potyra
- UVF exception request: bum (2.1.4-1 to 2.1.5-1)
Stefan Potyra
- new poll for MOTU work coordination
Stefan Potyra
- new poll for MOTU work coordination
Stefan Potyra
- Open Sync Requests, Week 7 - more open syncs ;)
Stefan Potyra
- UVF-exception request: gnomeicu
Stefan Potyra
- Repackaging a Debian package for use with Breezy
Stefan Potyra
- Open Sync Requests, Week 7 - much more open syncs ;)
Stefan Potyra
- UVF Exception request for feed2imap 0.6-1 -> 0.7-1
Stefan Potyra
- Open Sync Requests, Week 7 - much more open syncs ;)
Stefan Potyra
- [UVF Exception Request] Wesnoth 1.1.1
Stefan Potyra
- UVF exception request: librmagick-ruby 1.9.3-1 -> 1.10.0-2
Stefan Potyra
- UVF exception request for rake 0.6.2-2 -> 0.7.0-1
Stefan Potyra
- UVF exception request for rake 0.6.2-2 -> 0.7.0-1
Stefan Potyra
- REVU and GPar2
Stefan Potyra
- UVF execption request for BUM
Stefan Potyra
- UVF for PyBlosxom
Stefan Potyra
- MOTU: Anyone planning on packaging Cube?
Stefan Potyra
- MOTU: Anyone planning on packaging Cube?
Stefan Potyra
- REVU and GPar2
Stefan Potyra
- [Motu-reviewers] [REVU][COMMENT] for emacs-nxml-mode
Stefan Potyra
- bum_2.1.5-1
Stefan Potyra
- [Bug 6585] Hotplug dependency in nut-usb package
Arnaud Quette
- UVF-Exception: wine 0.9.8
Scott Ritchie
- UVF exception: X-Moto 0.1.11
Jeroen van Splunder
- UVF exception: lighttpd 1.4.9-1 -> 1.4.9-5
Shot (Piotr Szotkowski)
- UVF exception: lighttpd 1.4.9-1 -> 1.4.9-5
Shot (Piotr Szotkowski)
- post-UVF sync requests (was: UVF exception: lighttpd 1.4.9-1 ->
Shot (Piotr Szotkowski)
- Morgue for MOTU ?
Reinhard Tartler
- Morgue for MOTU ?
Reinhard Tartler
- Morgue for MOTU ?
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF exception: lighttpd 1.4.9-1 -> 1.4.9-5
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF Request for gtk-gnutella
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF exceptions for Universe - batch 3
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF exception: lighttpd 1.4.9-1 -> 1.4.9-5
Reinhard Tartler
- REVU Tools
Reinhard Tartler
- Debian collaboration: a balanced proposal
Reinhard Tartler
- post-UVF sync requests (was: UVF exception: lighttpd 1.4.9-1 ->
Reinhard Tartler
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Reinhard Tartler
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Reinhard Tartler
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Reinhard Tartler
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Reinhard Tartler
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Reinhard Tartler
- "official" MOTU projects (was: Morgue for MOTU ?)
Reinhard Tartler
- Version of Speex
Reinhard Tartler
- ocaml-transition
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF for chroot 0.1.7 -> 0.2.2
Reinhard Tartler
- [mr_faber@gmx.net: [Bug 5915] version 2.1.0 avaible]
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF exception for mldonkey 2.7.3
Reinhard Tartler
- [mr_faber-hi6Y0CQ0nG0@public.gmane.org: [Bug 5915] version
2.1.0 avaible]
Reinhard Tartler
- [mr_faber-hi6Y0CQ0nG0-XMD5yJDbdMReXY1tMh2IBg@public.gmane.org:
[Bug 5915] version 2.1.0 avaible]
Reinhard Tartler
- [mr_faber-hi6Y0CQ0nG0-XMD5yJDbdMReXY1tMh2IBg@public.gmane.org:
[Bug 5915] version 2.1.0 avaible]
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF Exception: xvidcore 1.1.0 final
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF exception: fortunes-spam (1.2-1 to 1.3-0ubuntu1)
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF exception: krusader 1.70.0
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF exception: X-Moto 0.1.11
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF Exception: avidemux 2.1.1
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF for dosemu 1.2.2
Reinhard Tartler
- [Bug 6570] Please switch to daelstorm nicotine
Reinhard Tartler
- new poll for MOTU work coordination
Reinhard Tartler
- Open Sync Requests, Week 7
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF-exception request: gnomeicu
Reinhard Tartler
- sylpheed-claws in xubuntu-desktop
Reinhard Tartler
- Open Sync Requests, Week 7 - much more open syncs ;)
Reinhard Tartler
- dnsmasq package in Dapper.
Reinhard Tartler
- [Bug 6570] Please switch to daelstorm nicotine
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF for sylpheed-claws-gtk2 (Was: sylpheed-claws in xubuntu-desktop)
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF for sylpheed-claws-gtk2 (Was: sylpheed-claws in
Reinhard Tartler
- [UVF Exception Request] Wesnoth 1.1.1
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF Request: Update to kernel-patch-speakup
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF exception request: afterstep 2.2.0-1
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF exception request: ttf-alee (6.4 to 7.1)
Reinhard Tartler
- UVF for PyBlosxom
Reinhard Tartler
- Open Sync Requests, Week 8
Reinhard Tartler
- Change of UVF exceptions process
Reinhard Tartler
- Version of Speex
Jean-Marc Valin
- UVF Request: Update to kernel-patch-speakup
Luke Yelavich
- UVF Request: Update to kernel-patch-speakup
Luke Yelavich
- UVF exceptions for Universe - batch 2
Matt Zimmerman
- UVF exceptions for Universe - batch 3
Matt Zimmerman
- UVF exceptions for Universe - batch 4
Matt Zimmerman
- Main inclusion of scim-tables (was Re: UVF exceptions for
Universe - batch 4)
Matt Zimmerman
- UVF exception request: ttf-alee (6.4 to 7.1)
- UVF exception request: ttf-alee (6.4 to 7.1)
- UVF exception request: ttf-alee (6.4 to 7.1)
- UVF-exception: xpdf (security)
crimsun at fungus.sh.nu
Last message date:
Tue Feb 28 21:21:20 BST 2006
Archived on: Tue Feb 28 21:20:01 BST 2006
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).