new poll for MOTU work coordination

Stefan Potyra sistpoty at
Sun Feb 19 17:21:18 GMT 2006


Am Samstag 18 Februar 2006 16:02 schrieb Benjamin Montgomery:
> I liked the webpage and python scripts that sistpoty and \sh built for
> the purpose of going through all of the MoM patches.  If we could use
> something similar to this, I think it would work well.

Thanks :).

> Is there an absolute requirement to track merges or fixing of unmet deps
> in Malone?  

Currently: Imo we need at least track (somehow) for what packages syncs are 
requested (due too the fact, that syncs currently aren't processed).

> Do I need to open a bug on a package that only needs a rebuild? 

Hm... imo we should concentrate on what we want to achieve (avoiding duplicate 
work) instead of working on a too strict policy everybody is forced to obey.

That said, whatever way we choose to handle coordination, it shouldn't result 
in more work for us (like filing a bug for a mere rebuild, which takes way 
longer than just uploading it).


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