[UVF Exception Request] Wesnoth 1.1.1

Ming Hua minghua-list at sbcglobal.net
Thu Feb 23 02:30:04 GMT 2006

On Wed, Feb 22, 2006 at 04:56:44PM +0100, Raphaël Pinson wrote:
> I tried to connect to the official Wesnoth game server with the
> current Ubuntu version (1.1) and it said that I have to be using
> version 1.1.1 to access it now.
> That means it's not possible to play network games with the current
> version of Wesnoth in Dapper right now.

This actually makes me wonder if we should have wesnoth 1.1.x branch
(development branch) in dapper after all.

The current newest stable release is 1.0.2, and newest development
release is 1.1.1, while dapper has 1.1(.0).

It won't surprise me if wesnoth upstream has a newer development release
after dapper is released (or even between FF and release), and as the
upstream official servers seem to require the newest release according
to [1], we are going to have the same problem sooner or later.

1. http://www.wesnoth.org/wiki/MultiplayerServers

Granted, there will be new stable release as well, but it's probably
less frequent, and maybe more justified for dapper-updates.

(I'm not really against this UVF request, just express my concerns about
following the development branch, I didn't do any work on the wesnoth
package after all.)


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