Morgue for MOTU ?

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at
Tue Feb 7 07:42:02 GMT 2006

On 07/02/06 at 02:19 +0100, Stephan Hermann wrote:
> > I haven't heard elsewhere that LP was intending to solve this particular
> > problem. Really, Launchpad isn't the answer to life, the universe and
> > everything (it would have been called 42 if so). Also, I'm a bit
> > disapointed by the way LP tackled the bug tracking system problem, so
> > saying that Launchpad is going to solve that problem is a bit scary :-)
> Well, it is not the answer, but it's the tool of choice for Ubuntu. 
> Ubuntu is sponsored by Canonical, so everything related to the infrastructure 
> to build and/or help Ubuntu to be made, is coming right now from Canonical.
> If this is a problem, please discuss this with the responsible people from the 
> Ubuntu Foundation and/or Canonical.
> If you are disappointed in a way, that it makes it difficult to work for/with 
> ubuntu, please state this on ubuntu-devel ML or bring the issues towards the 
> TB.

I'm just a bit tired by the fact that each time somebody raise an
infrastructure problem, it is supposed to be solved in LP sooner or
later. LP is supposed to solve some issues, but not all of them ...

(Not to mention the fact the we don't have timelines for when stuff will
be integrated in LP)

> > > but as far as I understand, MoM and the patches directory are
> > > intended to be integrated into launchpad properly.
> >
> > any source for this ?
> It will or should be part of HCT. Please ask the Master Of MoM about it, 
> Keybuck is Scotts nick on IRC.

I really don't think HCT is about this. Keybuk didnt mention that when
we talked about it during the last TB meeting.
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas at |
| jabber: lucas at             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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