[Bug 6585] Hotplug dependency in nut-usb package

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at kaarsemaker.net
Thu Feb 23 14:59:50 GMT 2006

On do, 2006-02-23 at 15:39 +0100, Arnaud Quette wrote:

> > If you are interested in solving this bug for Ubuntu,
> > you could request an UpstreamVersionFreeze exception and a sync on
> > ubuntu-motu at lists.ubuntu.com (I informally requested it on IRC, but
> > that's no guarantee).
> I'm interested in, but don't have much time (seen my [very incomplete] sig ;-)
> would you be kind enough to relay my request for the moment, as I
> suppose ubuntu-motu is moderated! I'll check later on for Ubuntu and
> other membership...
> Note that a 2.0.3-2 will have to go out for (at least) the /var/run
> bug (logged in lp) and the nut-cgi removing nut user...

Ok, simply CC-ing this to ubuntu-motu

Nut should be synced from debian again to solve 2 quite serious bugs. In
its current state nut is not usable on Dapper.


Dennis K.
  - Linux for human beings: http://www.ubuntu.com
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