UVF exception request: afterstep 2.2.0-1

Reinhard Tartler siretart at tauware.de
Thu Feb 23 12:18:27 GMT 2006

On Sat, Jan 21, 2006 at 05:36:32PM -0600, Joseph Neal wrote:
> Hello MsOTU
> I would like to ask than an UVF exception to be made for afterstep 2.2.0-1.  
> It introduces many new features and greatly increased functionality.  Support 
> for full screen windows is the big one.  The new ASRun tool allows the 
> execution of commands without having to open an x-term. GTK+ and KDE aps now 
> follow the afterstep color scheme.  There is also improved debian 
> integration.  

I'm undecided. Can you provide a risk analysis for updating this
package? We want to stabilise dapper, and introducing new upstream
versions and new features sound rather risky to me. Since I don't use
afterstep myself, I cannot do this analysis myself.


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