[mr_faber-hi6Y0CQ0nG0-XMD5yJDbdMReXY1tMh2IBg@public.gmane.org: [Bug 5915] version 2.1.0 avaible]

Reinhard Tartler siretart at tauware.de
Tue Feb 14 13:33:45 GMT 2006

Jamie Jones wrote:
>> Ah, thanks for notice. I'm currently importing x264 from marillat into
>> our motumedia svn and will upload that this afternoon, if nobody objects
> Should be fine. x264 works for me (but I added it as a build-dep to
> mplayer/mencoder) so I could test it. Want a patch for mplayer/mencoders
> control file ?

sure, why not. file a malone bug, I will commit it to our mplayer svn

>> > It may also be a good idea to update xvid from 1.1beta2 to 1.1 final
>> > (again in marilat) to go with this, so we don't need to do it via
>> > dapper-updates.
>> Could you please write an UVF exception report for this (with relevant
>> changelog and diffstat)?
> Forgive my ignorance, but how would I do that ?

Unpack both orig.tar.gz, make a 
diff -Nur dir_with_oldversion/ dir_with_newversion/ | diffstat

To create a diffstat.

most projects have a file named ChangeLog in its source tarball
documenting changes between releases


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