August 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Aug 1 00:07:15 UTC 2008
Ending: Sun Aug 31 21:42:28 UTC 2008
Messages: 388
- Touchpad issues
Timo Aaltonen
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Null Ack
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Null Ack
- Call for testing empathy
Brett Alton
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Brett Alton
- Bugs introduced in GCC?
- ext4 in Intrepid?
Gérard BIGOT
- ConsoleKit (0.2.10) / PolicyKit / Security hole
Sebastien Bacher
- Call for testing empathy
Sebastien Bacher
- Call for testing empathy
Sebastien Bacher
- Call for testing empathy
Sebastien Bacher
- Tahoma (or, Does anyone have a copy of "Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition"?)
Onno Benschop
- Tahoma (or, Does anyone have a copy of "Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition"?)
Onno Benschop
- Automatic fsck
Onno Benschop
- Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15
Onno Benschop
- Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15
Onno Benschop
- Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15
Onno Benschop
- Call for testing empathy
Laurent Bigonville
- Call for testing empathy
Laurent Bigonville
- Call for testing empathy
Laurent Bigonville
- Call for testing empathy
Jorge O. Castro
- Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (desktop)
Nagin Chand
- Automatic fsck
Ian Chennell
- Call for testing empathy
Vincenzo Ciancia
- Call for testing empathy
Xavier Claessens
- Call for testing empathy
Xavier Claessens
- Call for testing empathy
Xavier Claessens
- Call for testing empathy
Xavier Claessens
- Call for testing empathy
Xavier Claessens
- Call for testing empathy
Xavier Claessens
- Call for testing empathy
Xavier Claessens
- Call for testing empathy
Xavier Claessens
- Call for testing empathy
Xavier Claessens
- Call for testing empathy
Xavier Claessens
- Call for testing empathy
Xavier Claessens
- Wrong time in Korganizer in Ubuntu 8.10a3. My mistake or bug?
Dotan Cohen
- Wrong time in Korganizer in Ubuntu 8.10a3. My mistake or bug?
Dotan Cohen
- OpenOffice 3 and Firefox 3.1 in Intrepid?
Dotan Cohen
- OpenOffice 3 and Firefox 3.1 in Intrepid?
Dotan Cohen
- PulseAudio integration issues
- PulseAudio integration issues
- PulseAudio integration issues
- PulseAudio integration issues
- Installation report: Ubuntu desktop Alpha 3 amd64 - my turn
Chris Coulson
- Call for testing empathy
Brian Curtis
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Brian Curtis
- git 1.6
Nehemiah Dacres
- Call for testing empathy
Guillaume Desmottes
- Call for testing empathy
Guillaume Desmottes
- Call for testing empathy
Guillaume Desmottes
- Touchpad issues
Robert Easter
- Subversion 1.5.1
Christian Ehmke
- Automatic fsck
- Installation report: Ubuntu desktop Alpha 3 amd64 - my turn
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (desktop)
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- "InetBoot for x86&x86_64 LiveCD (Feora/Ubuntu/KNOPPIX/VMKnoppix)" is released.
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- problem bootin inetboot (was "InetBoot for x86&x86_64 LiveCD )
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- Installing recommends and the CD size
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- Call for testing empathy
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- 5 a day (was Using Harvest with your team)
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- problem bootin inetboot
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- nVidia performence and quality
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- nVidia performence and quality
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- Most popular packages in universe
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- CCSM (was Most popular packages in universe)
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- CCSM (was Most popular packages in universe)
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- Call for testing empathy
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- From Powerthink, Melbourne
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- replacement of kcontrol
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- replacement of kcontrol
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- kvm sandbox upgrade tester
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- From Powerthink, Melbourne
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- readahead slow down
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- How to not collaborate with Debian (and upstream)
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- How well will OOo 3.0 be integrated with Gnome?
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- How well will OOo 3.0 be integrated with Gnome?
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- How well will OOo 3.0 be integrated with Gnome?
(=?utf-8?q?=60=60-=5F-=C2=B4=C2=B4?=) -- Fernando
- problem bootin inetboot
(``-_-´´) -- Fernando
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Odysseus Flappington
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Odysseus Flappington
- PulseAudio integration issues
Caroline Ford
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Caroline Ford
- PulseAudio integration issues
Caroline Ford
- readahead slow down
Caroline Ford
- OpenChange
Kevin Fries
- Intrepid compatibility with C3 CPUs #5212
- usplash and alternate resolutions
Matthew Garrett
- Intrepid compatibility with C3 CPUs
Matthew Garrett
- Subversion 1.5.1
Stéphane Graber
- I encountered a horrible experience with Nautilus and GParted
William Grant
- Remastersys
J. Grau
- Call upon The Great Spirit of 'Ubuntu'...
J. Grau
- kernel module & python numpy
Oliver Grawert
- kernel module & python numpy
Oliver Grawert
- kernel module & python numpy
Oliver Grawert
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Mathias Gug
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Mathias Gug
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Mathias Gug
- Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15
Soren Hansen
- Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15
Soren Hansen
- Touchpad issues
Bryce Harrington
- Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15
Bryce Harrington
- Automatic fsck
Bryce Harrington
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Bryce Harrington
- git 1.6
Bryce Harrington
- Problem with hotkey-setup
Bryce Harrington
- Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15
Uwe Hauck
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
Stephan Hermann
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
Stephan Hermann
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
Stephan Hermann
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
Stephan Hermann
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
Stephan Hermann
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Stephan Hermann
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Stephan Hermann
- Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15
Marcos Hernández
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
- Can Evolution calendar reminders pop-up automatically?
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Emmet Hikory
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Emmet Hikory
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Darren Hinderer
- Call for testing empathy
Markus Hitter
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Markus Hitter
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Markus Hitter
- Drag Window from anywhere in Metacity?
Markus Hitter
- fehlermeldung
Markus Hitter
- nbd-client
Michael 'Grant' Hodges
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Sense Hofstede
- The Harvest Season has started!
Daniel Holbach
- 5 a day (was Using Harvest with your team)
Daniel Holbach
- ABI error building Intrepid Ibex
Mike Jarmy
- Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15
- replacement of kcontrol
Jonathan Jesse
- replacement of kcontrol
Jonathan Jesse
- New system sounds.
Jonathan Jesse
- Call for testing empathy
Alexander Jones
- Call for testing empathy
Alexander Jones
- Call for testing empathy
Alexander Jones
- Call for testing empathy
Alexander Jones
- Call for testing empathy
Alexander Jones
- Call for testing empathy
Alexander Jones
- Automatic fsck
Alexander Jones
- Automatic fsck
Alexander Jones
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Alexander Jones
- Automatic fsck
Alexander Jones
- Automatic fsck
Alexander Jones
- Call for testing empathy
Alexander Jones
- nVidia performence and quality
Alexander Jones
- OpenOffice 3 and Firefox 3.1 in Intrepid?
Alexander Jones
- ext4 in Intrepid?
Chris Jones
- ext4 in Intrepid?
Chris Jones
- Call for testing empathy
Timo Jyrinki
- Re-encoding sample content with latest theora encoders
Timo Jyrinki
- New system sounds.
Cory K.
- Hardy bug with fwlanusb
Nils Kassube
- Login Panel text placement...
Mayuresh Kathe
- Bug
Tim Kersten
- Automatic fsck
Colin Ian King
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
Scott Kitterman
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
Scott Kitterman
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
Scott Kitterman
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
Scott Kitterman
- Subversion 1.5.1
Scott Kitterman
- Reporting and Triaging ODP file
Scott Kitterman
- Reporting and Triaging ODP file
Scott Kitterman
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Scott Kitterman
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Scott Kitterman
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Scott Kitterman
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Scott Kitterman
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Scott Kitterman
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Scott Kitterman
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Scott Kitterman
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Scott Kitterman
- Tahoma (or, Does anyone have a copy of "Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition"?)
Conrad Knauer
- Tahoma (or, Does anyone have a copy of "Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition"?)
Conrad Knauer
- Tahoma (or, Does anyone have a copy of "Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition"?)
Conrad Knauer
- Wingdings (or, Can YOU crack the code?)
Conrad Knauer
- Automatic fsck
Uwe L. Korn
- Call for testing empathy
Marcin ‘Qrczak’ Kowalczyk
- Call for testing empathy
Marcin ‘Qrczak’ Kowalczyk
- ext4 in Intrepid?
Marcin ‘Qrczak’ Kowalczyk
- kernel module & python numpy
Sebastian Krause
- I encountered a horrible experience with Nautilus and GParted
Peteris Krisjanis
- Buggy Exaile in Hardy
Przemysław Kulczycki
- git 1.6
Przemysław Kulczycki
- Making Canonical's/Ubuntu's contributions more visible
Przemysław Kulczycki
- Call for testing empathy
Luke L
- Buggy Exaile in Hardy
Luke L
- Call for testing empathy
Luke L
- How well will OOo 3.0 be integrated with Gnome?
Luke L
- New system sounds.
Luke L
- OpenOffice 3 and Firefox 3.1 in Intrepid?
Luke L
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Krzysztof Lichota
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Krzysztof Lichota
- readahead slow down
Krzysztof Lichota
- Call for testing empathy
Mario Limonciello
- Call for testing empathy
Duncan Lithgow
- Call for testing empathy
Duncan Lithgow
- Call for testing empathy
Duncan Lithgow
- Bug
Nicolas MICHEL
- Bugs introduced in GCC?
Jordan Mantha
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
John McCabe-Dansted
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
John McCabe-Dansted
- Compiling Ubuntu 7.04's kernel from source
John McCabe-Dansted
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
Dylan McCall
- Call for testing empathy
Dylan McCall
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Dylan McCall
- I encountered a horrible experience with Nautilus and GParted
Dylan McCall
- Drag Window from anywhere in Metacity?
Dylan McCall
- Drag Window from anywhere in Metacity?
Dylan McCall
- Drag Window from anywhere in Metacity?
Dylan McCall
- Call upon The Great Spirit of 'Ubuntu'...
Dylan McCall
- fehlermeldung
Claus Moldehauer
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
Mackenzie Morgan
- Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (desktop)
Mackenzie Morgan
- Call for testing empathy
Mackenzie Morgan
- Installing recommends and the CD size
Mackenzie Morgan
- Automatic fsck
Mackenzie Morgan
- Automatic fsck
Mackenzie Morgan
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Mackenzie Morgan
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Mackenzie Morgan
- Most popular packages in universe
Mackenzie Morgan
- CCSM (was Most popular packages in universe)
Mackenzie Morgan
- Bugs introduced in GCC?
Mackenzie Morgan
- Automatic fsck
Mackenzie Morgan
- Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15
Mackenzie Morgan
- Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15
Mackenzie Morgan
- PulseAudio integration issues
Mackenzie Morgan
- PulseAudio integration issues
Mackenzie Morgan
- PulseAudio integration issues
Mackenzie Morgan
- I encountered a horrible experience with Nautilus and GParted
Mackenzie Morgan
- Drag Window from anywhere in Metacity?
Mackenzie Morgan
- Drag Window from anywhere in Metacity?
Mackenzie Morgan
- Drag Window from anywhere in Metacity?
Mackenzie Morgan
- From Powerthink, Melbourne
Mackenzie Morgan
- From Powerthink, Melbourne
Mackenzie Morgan
- How well will OOo 3.0 be integrated with Gnome?
Mackenzie Morgan
- How well will OOo 3.0 be integrated with Gnome?
Mackenzie Morgan
- Call for testing empathy
Dane Mutters
- Call for testing empathy
Dane Mutters
- Call for testing empathy
Dane Mutters
- Call for testing empathy
Aurélien Naldi
- Call for testing empathy
Aurélien Naldi
- Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15
Bram Neijt
- Automatic fsck
Bram Neijt
- Call for testing empathy
- I encountered a horrible experience with Nautilus and GParted
- From Powerthink, Melbourne
Vu Nguyen
- Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (desktop)
- How well will OOo 3.0 be integrated with Gnome?
Thomas Novin
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Celeste Lyn Paul
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Celeste Lyn Paul
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Vadim Peretokin
- Call for testing empathy
Adam Petaccia
- ubuntu-restricted-extras
- Call for testing empathy
Danny Piccirillo
- Call for testing empathy
Danny Piccirillo
- Call for testing empathy
Danny Piccirillo
- ext4 in Intrepid?
Danny Piccirillo
- Re-encoding sample content with latest theora encoders
Danny Piccirillo
- Re-encoding sample content with latest theora encoders
Danny Piccirillo
- Call for testing empathy
Danny Piccirillo
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Danny Piccirillo
- Call for testing empathy
Danny Piccirillo
- help wiki theme improvements
Danny Piccirillo
- Connecting to a Windows newtork
Danny Piccirillo
- Problem with hotkey-setup
Travis Place
- Call for testing empathy
Bryan Quigley
- OpenOffice 3 and Firefox 3.1 in Intrepid?
Vishal Rao
- OpenOffice 3 and Firefox 3.1 in Intrepid?
Vishal Rao
- Introduction & Language-Support Question
S'orlok Reaves
- Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15
Shaun Reich
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
- Tahoma (or, Does anyone have a copy of "Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition"?)
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
- OpenOffice 3 and Firefox 3.1 in Intrepid?
- Call for testing empathy
Scott James Remnant
- Call for testing empathy
Scott James Remnant
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Christopher James Halse Rogers
- Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15
Jesse Ruffin
- Automatic fsck
Paul S
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Alexander Sack
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Alexander Sack
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Alexander Sack
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Alexander Sack
- OpenOffice 3 and Firefox 3.1 in Intrepid?
Alexander Sack
- Call for testing empathy
Andrew Sayers
- Call for testing empathy
Andrew Sayers
- Call for testing empathy
Andrew Sayers
- Call for testing empathy
Andrew Sayers
- Call for testing empathy
Andrew Sayers
- Call for testing empathy
Andrew Sayers
- Automatic fsck
Andrew Sayers
- Automatic fsck
Andrew Sayers
- Automatic fsck
Andrew Sayers
- Automatic fsck
Andrew Sayers
- Automatic fsck
Andrew Sayers
- Automatic fsck
Andrew Sayers
- Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15
Andrew Sayers
- Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15
Andrew Sayers
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Jo-Erlend Schinstad
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Jo-Erlend Schinstad
- Call for testing empathy
Jo-Erlend Schinstad
- Call for testing empathy
Onkar Shinde
- Re-encoding sample content with latest theora encoders
Onkar Shinde
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
Mark Shuttleworth
- passwd -l
Thilo Six
- OpenChange
Paul Smith
- Bugs introduced in GCC?
Paul Smith
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Paul Smith
- Announcing Michael Casadevall as an Xubuntu Developer
Cody A.W. Somerville
- Bugs introduced in GCC?
Richard M. Stallman
- Wrong time in Korganizer in Ubuntu 8.10a3. My mistake or bug?
- Automatic fsck
Phillip Susi
- Automatic fsck
Phillip Susi
- Automatic fsck
Phillip Susi
- I encountered a horrible experience with Nautilus and GParted
Phillip Susi
- "InetBoot for x86&x86_64 LiveCD (Feora/Ubuntu/KNOPPIX/VMKnoppix)" is released.
Kuniyasu Suzaki
- "InetBoot for x86&x86_64 LiveCD (Feora/Ubuntu/KNOPPIX/VMKnoppix)" is released.
Kuniyasu Suzaki
- problem bootin inetboot
Kuniyasu Suzaki
- problem bootin inetboot
Kuniyasu Suzaki
- problem bootin inetboot
Kuniyasu Suzaki
- Compiling Ubuntu 7.04's kernel from source
Peter Teoh
- Compiling Ubuntu 7.04's kernel from source
Peter Teoh
- Login Panel text placement...
Matthew Paul Thomas
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Matthew Paul Thomas
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Matthew Paul Thomas
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Matthew Paul Thomas
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Matthew Paul Thomas
- Backtracing, Invalidated Bugs and Quality
Matthew Paul Thomas
- Call for testing empathy
Matthew Paul Thomas
- Drag Window from anywhere in Metacity?
Matthew Paul Thomas
- Drag Window from anywhere in Metacity?
Matthew Paul Thomas
- Intrepid compatibility with C3 CPUs
Sam Tygier
- Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15
Niels Uiterwijk
- Errors on 8.04 upgrade page?
Mario Vukelic
- Call upon The Great Spirit of 'Ubuntu'...
Colin Watson
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
Anthony Watters
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
Anthony Watters
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
Anthony Watters
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
Anthony Watters
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
Anthony Watters
- MOTU School sessions for Developer week wanted
James Westby
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Thorsten Wilms
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Thorsten Wilms
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Thorsten Wilms
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
Thorsten Wilms
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Neil Wilson
- Ruby on Rails support in Intrepid - call for reviewers and cheerleaders
Neil Wilson
- Automatic fsck
Lars Wirzenius
- Automatic fsck
Lars Wirzenius
- Automatic fsck
Lars Wirzenius
- ext4 in Intrepid?
Lars Wirzenius
- Login Panel text placement...
Jeroen Wouters
- Reporting and Triaging ODP file
Philip Wyett
- Reporting and Triaging ODP file
Philip Wyett
- Reporting and Triaging ODP file
Philip Wyett
- Call for testing empathy
Philip Wyett
- Call for testing empathy
Philip Wyett
- libavcodec51 and libavcodec1d package description
Philip Wyett
- libavcodec51 and libavcodec1d package description
Philip Wyett
- unzip wrong character in some multibyte environment
Hideki Yamane
- unzip wrong character in some multibyte environment
Hideki Yamane
- Can Evolution calendar reminders pop-up automatically?
Tim Zakharov
- passwd -l
Matt Zimmerman
- unzip wrong character in some multibyte environment
Matt Zimmerman
- Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (desktop)
Matt Zimmerman
- Call for testing empathy
Matt Zimmerman
- Call for testing empathy
Matt Zimmerman
- Automatic fsck
Matt Zimmerman
- Automatic fsck
Matt Zimmerman
- Automatic fsck
Matt Zimmerman
- Automatic fsck
Matt Zimmerman
- Automatic fsck
Matt Zimmerman
- ext4 in Intrepid?
Matt Zimmerman
- Call for testing empathy
Matt Zimmerman
- Disappointed with Ubuntu Server, could be used by such a wider audience
Michael Zoet
- Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15
mike corn
- Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars
vicho minkov
- kernel module & python numpy
- kernel module & python numpy
- Call for testing empathy
- Call for testing empathy
- Call for testing empathy
Last message date:
Sun Aug 31 21:42:28 UTC 2008
Archived on: Tue Sep 29 17:41:34 UTC 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).