Automatic fsck

Andrew Sayers andrew-ubuntu-devel at
Tue Aug 12 16:28:10 UTC 2008

Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> The LVM solution isn't viable anyway; there's no guarantee that the metadata
> on disk is in any way consistent while the filesystem is mounted.  The
> problem in your test isn't only that the filesystem is changing from
> underneath it, it's also that it may not have been consistent in the first
> place.

How about making a snapshot when the system boots up (before it's
mounted), then fsck'ing the snapshot?  I don't know enough about LVM to
say whether snapshots can be written back to the main partition, but if
so, it would be possible to fix the broken partition from the GUI, then
reboot (or just remount the filesystem).  The downside of that is that
any recent changes would be lost, but the upside is that you'll never
need to sit and watch fsck run.

	- Andrew

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