Call for testing empathy

Philip Wyett philwyett at
Sun Aug 10 14:16:18 UTC 2008

On Sun, 2008-08-10 at 02:12 -0500, Luke L wrote:
> I'm skeptical about this. I personally have never heard of this
> software before this email. Pidgin is cross-platform and elegant, easy
> to use, and extensible. Also, (I know this is hearsay) I've heard
> people mention the idea of removing EKIGA as not enough people use it
> to warrant it being a default program! So according to such a claim,
> there is certainly not enough demand for video and voice to warrant
> switching from Pidgin.
> Pidgin works terrificly, and is stable. Ekiga covers the rest. This
> would be a pretty big switch in terms of volume of users, and Intrepid
> is only 2.5 months away. I believe this should be put on hold.
> -- 
> Luke L.

The argument Luke puts forward for keeping pidgin by default for the
time being I totally agree with. I have installed empathy under hardy
and it connects to nothing by default but asks you to install
'backends'. I know it uses telepathy so knew what to look for but any
common user would not, so this makes the application useless and
documentation is non existent to guide you!


* butterfly for msn does not work.
* msn connections under haze will not allow you to change on-line status

The above was from 10 minutes usage!

The app does not meet the grade to be included in any Ubuntu release at
this time. Also the UI is not nice and slick or smooth ... something
Mark is looking for to be above the Apple crowd and beat them with
better and as nice looking software.


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