Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars

Celeste Lyn Paul celeste at
Mon Aug 18 13:01:47 UTC 2008

On Monday 18 August 2008 08:31:03 Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> Mackenzie Morgan wrote on 15/08/08 21:53:
> >...
> > I must admit, on a large screen moving all the way from top to bottom
> > of the scrollbar is a royal pain.  I wouldn't mind having easier
> > targets.
> Mac OS 8 and later fixes this with a much smaller change: it lets you
> put the arrow buttons next to each other at the bottom/right of the
> scrollbar, instead of at opposite ends. You can even drag from one
> button to the other while the mouse button is still down.
> KDE does a similar (but somewhat more confusing) thing by having two
> up/left buttons in a scrollbar, one at the the top/left and the other
> next to the down/right button.

Hmm.. are you using a weird widget set?  We do it exactly like OS X with an up 
control at the top and an up/down control at the bottom (see attached, left 
KDE3, right KDE4)

~ Celeste

> Cheers
> --
> Matthew Paul Thomas

Celeste Lyn Paul
KDE Usability Project
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