Drag Window from anywhere in Metacity?

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at canonical.com
Fri Aug 22 20:01:50 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Dylan McCall wrote on 22/08/08 20:12:
> Woohoo! I (sort of) figured it out and created a branch implementing
> this change on Launchpad. So far it's more a proof of concept than
> anything else.

Wow, that was quick. :-)

> Works beautifully for preferences dialogs. Strangely, the expected
> behaviour does not occur with menu bars or toolbars, which seems a bit
> odd. Perhaps GTK is handling the events when it doesn't need to.
> Everywhere else it is wonderful -- and yes, that includes the status bar
> in F-Spot. (Eat that, Windows Photo Gallery!).

To avoid unpleasant false negatives, you may also need to tweak GTK to
treat all checkboxes and radio buttons as if their "fill" property was
set to false, regardless of what the app developer has set. Otherwise
when people drag what *looks* like empty space to the right of a
checkbox or radio button label, instead of moving the window it will
unexpectedly check/uncheck the control.

> I should make this a gconf option. Maybe "touch screen mode", with
> another added bonus being kinetic window dragging?

If it's just made standard behavior, then app developers can start using
Alt-clicking and Alt-dragging for advanced functions. I know the
Epiphany developers would appreciate this, and I expect the developers
of Inkscape, Dia, and other graphic programs would too.

- --
Matthew Paul Thomas
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