Drag Window from anywhere in Metacity?

Dylan McCall dylanmccall at gmail.com
Fri Aug 22 19:12:40 UTC 2008

Woohoo! I (sort of) figured it out and created a branch implementing
this change on Launchpad. So far it's more a proof of concept than
anything else.

The branch is here:

To test this, you will need to run "./src/metacity --replace" after
building. I don't recommend installing this over your current Metacity.

Works beautifully for preferences dialogs. Strangely, the expected
behaviour does not occur with menu bars or toolbars, which seems a bit
odd. Perhaps GTK is handling the events when it doesn't need to.
Everywhere else it is wonderful -- and yes, that includes the status bar
in F-Spot. (Eat that, Windows Photo Gallery!).
No broken functionality detected so far, but I should get in touch with
the Metacity developers to make sure...

At the moment, a middle click and a right click in the client area pops
up the respective actions as if the area is in fact a title bar. It's
kind of neat, but I think it would be better with different operations.
For example, middle click could do a resize operation (dealing with the
small window borders problem in a small way).

I should make this a gconf option. Maybe "touch screen mode", with
another added bonus being kinetic window dragging?

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