I encountered a horrible experience with Nautilus and GParted

Peteris Krisjanis pecisk at gmail.com
Sat Aug 23 20:56:12 UTC 2008

Even better, hal just needs to know which devices are actually
formatted atm, and spread this info to other apps so they don't try to
access this device.

Just my two cents,

2008/8/22 Nergar <nergar at gmail.com>:
> Not sure but I think stopping hald would "ugly-fix" this. hal daemon is
> what nautilus uses to find out about new plugged devices. Maybe gparted
> could stop the daemon when it starts and could start it back when you
> close it.
> Well at least AFAIK.
> On Fri, 2008-08-22 at 07:28 +1000, William Grant wrote:
>> Mackenzie Morgan wrote:
>> > On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 1:22 PM, Dylan McCall <dylanmccall at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>  Is anyone else able to reproduce this?
>> >
>> > Yes, I hate it.  It happens all the time when I use GParted on the
>> > live cd to partition because the partitioner in the installer has a
>> > terrible interface.  It then complains that it can't create the
>> > filesystem properly because Nautilus went and got in the way with
>> > mounting it automatically.  Nautilus needs to ignore it when a
>> > partitioning app is open.
>> It's even better when gparted doesn't notice, which happened in my case.
>> It somehow continued resizing whilst Nautilus remounted it, causing
>> massive corruption that took a lot of time and FAT-hacking to partially
>> recover from.
>> --
>> William Grant
> --
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Pēteris Krišjānis

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