Call for testing empathy

Timo Jyrinki timo.jyrinki at
Sat Aug 9 21:58:53 UTC 2008

2008/8/9 Alexander Jones <alex at>:
> Voice and video, period.

By the time Empathy starts to reach Pidgin stability and feature
parity otherwise, Pidgin probably has those too. Though it has been
long in the making, the current V&V branch seems to be functional.
Anyway, the more integrated approach of Empathy is interesting, but
probably delivers less for the casual user for now than Pidgin.

Among features I couldn't think of dropping (by switching from Pidgin
to Empathy by default) are file transfers and joining
password-protected chat rooms. Hmm, maybe bugs should be filed about
these in Launchpad, too?

As before, V&V can be done through Ekiga anyway as long as Pidgin
doesn't support it in a release.


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