problem bootin inetboot
Kuniyasu Suzaki
k.suzaki at
Wed Aug 6 13:56:54 UTC 2008
>>From: "(``-_-´´) -- Fernando" <ubuntu at>
>>Subject: Re: problem bootin inetboot (was "InetBoot for x86&x86_64 LiveCD )
>>Olá Kuniyasu e a todos.
>>On Wednesday 06 August 2008 02:01:13 Kuniyasu Suzaki wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> >>From: "(``-_-´´) -- Fernando" <ubuntu at>
>>> >>Subject: Re: "InetBoot for x86&x86_64 LiveCD (Feora/Ubuntu/KNOPPIX/VMKnoppix)" is released.
>>> >>
>>> >>Hi again!
>>> >>I notice the change in the page on my feeds and redownload it, but i'm facing a problem that occured a few time with the old version:
>>> >>I get suck at a shell telling me that it cant find /tmp/SOMETHING.x3423
>>> Please tell me the detail. Which version of LiveCD-Ubuntu do you boot with the least InetBoot?
>>> When do you find the message?
>>> >>a few lines before i can see the HTTPFS give the ok.
>>> HTTPS?
>>> InetBoot don't use HTTPS.
>>> ------
>>> suzaki
>>I didnt say HTTPS, i said httpFs
I'm sorry. It was my reading mistake.
>>Here are my INETBOOT stanzas:
>>title Ubuntu via net (darkstar hardy 8.04.1 DVD 64bits)
>>kernel /boot/inetbootlinux netdir= type=casper
>>initrd /boot/inetbootminirt.gz
>>title Ubuntu via net (darkstar Intrepid Live CD 64bits alpha3)
>>kernel /boot/inetbootlinux netdir= type=casper
>>initrd /boot/inetbootminirt.gz
>>title Ubuntu via net (cdimage Intrepid Live CD 64bits daily)
>>kernel /boot/inetbootlinux netdir= type=casper
>>initrd /boot/inetbootminirt.gz
>>title Fedora9 via net (darkstar Live CD 64bits)
>>kernel /boot/inetbootlinux netdir= type=fedora
>>initrd /boot/inetbootminirt.gz
>>title Fedora9 via net (darkstar DVD 64bits)
>>kernel /boot/inetbootlinux netdir= type=fedora
>>initrd /boot/inetbootminirt.gz
>>I was booting this one:
>>kernel /boot/inetbootlinux netdir= type=casper
>>I'll try to reboot again into it and see if I can get some kind of log into my disk to send you.
I have never tried the ISO file. I guess the ISO file has some special customization.
Does it use "upstart"?
Do the other ISO files have no problems?
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