Tahoma (or, Does anyone have a copy of "Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition"?)

Onno Benschop onno at itmaze.com.au
Thu Aug 7 22:58:29 UTC 2008

On 08/08/08 03:43, Conrad Knauer wrote:
> I think I've found a solution to the Tahoma Bold font not being
> generally redistributable for the msttcorefonts package.
> As I wrote on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/msttcorefonts/+bug/50529
> ---
> I discovered something interesting that I thought I should contact
> you about:
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/169813/EN-US/
> "Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition includes a Setup Wizard that
> you can use to create a Setup program that users can run to install
> files for a custom application. [...] The files available for
> distribution allow you to distribute an application developed using
> Microsoft Access to users who do not have Microsoft Access."
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/163535/en-us
> "a list of the files that you can redistribute with a run-time
> application which you create using the Microsoft Office 97 Developer
> Edition Tools [...] TAHOMA.TTF TAHOMABD.TTF"
> Does that mean what I think it does? :-)
> ---
> Does anyone on this list happen to have a copy of "Microsoft Office 97
> Developer Edition" to test that out with? :)
> CK
IANAL, but as I read that: *If* you create a run-time with the Microsoft
Office 97 Developer Edition Tools, *then* you can redistribute
TAHOMA.TTF TAHOMABD.TTF with said run-time.

I suppose you could create a run-time that said "Hello World", and
distribute that with the two files, but I'm pretty sure that's not what
you meant :)

Onno Benschop

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