Call for testing empathy

Alexander Jones alex at
Sun Aug 10 23:51:26 UTC 2008

Use this archive if you can't test on Intrepid.

2008/8/10 Philip Wyett <philwyett at>:
> On Sun, 2008-08-10 at 15:38 +0100, Alexander Jones wrote:
>> 2008/8/10 Philip Wyett <philwyett at>:
>> > The argument Luke puts forward for keeping pidgin by default for the
>> > time being I totally agree with. I have installed empathy under hardy
>> > and it connects to nothing by default but asks you to install
>> > 'backends'. I know it uses telepathy so knew what to look for but any
>> > common user would not, so this makes the application useless and
>> > documentation is non existent to guide you!
>> Schoolboy error. You should be evaluating the Empathy in Intrepid, not
>> Hardy, in order for you to make a fair assessment and valid
>> contribution of opinion, here.
> The first comment was not called for. I sent an email to the list 36
> hours ago asking for clarification if feedback was wanted intrepid or
> was feedback for hardy welcome and as of yet no replies in my email.
> Additionally, testing in intrepid would be feasible if:
> 1. Intrepid ran in virtualbox without kernel panics.
> 2. You could have Intrepid on another machine and VNC in, but this is
> not the case due to a gnome-session issue that as of a few days ago was
> still waiting the fixed package to be pushed.
> <snip>
>> > The app does not meet the grade to be included in any Ubuntu release at
>> > this time. Also the UI is not nice and slick or smooth ... something
>> > Mark is looking for to be above the Apple crowd and beat them with
>> > better and as nice looking software.
>> It is as slick and smooth as the GTK theme you use. How is Pidgin any
>> "slicker" or even any "smoother"?
> I never said pidgin was and merely said empathy isn't.
> Regards
> Phil
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