help wiki theme improvements

Danny Piccirillo danny.piccirillo at
Sun Aug 17 17:14:03 UTC 2008

I think there is way too much space taken up at the top of the page. Perhaps
we could use a sidebar instead? I think something must be done to save space
and make the wiki look cleaner.

On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Matthew East <mdke at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to use this thread as a way of collecting information about
> how to improve the help wiki theme. Since the upgrade it has gone
> backwards a bit, and I've put in a request for the admins to send me
> the current theme so that I can merge it with our bzr branch [1] and
> ensure that we have a process in place to contribute improvements to
> the theme generally.
> The things I've noticed as being missing from the current theme are:
> 1. The "Page History" link is now called "Info"
> 2. The footer is back to the old one with broken links and is missing
> our licensing information
> 3. There is no "parent" link on subpages
> Have I missed any? Also, feel free to add ideas for improvements, such as:
> 4. Link to "talk" or "discussion" pages on every page (as per point 3
> on
> 5. Upgrade theme to nicer looking one (longer term goal)
> --
> Matthew East
> gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF
> --
> ubuntu-doc mailing list
> ubuntu-doc at
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