Drag Window from anywhere in Metacity?

Dylan McCall dylanmccall at gmail.com
Fri Aug 22 16:12:23 UTC 2008

I recently noticed a really awesome feature in Matchbox. When it is set
to have windows in free mode (rather than fixed), one can drag those
windows from /anywhere/. As long as the widget being dragged does not
handle the necessary click events itself (eg: Is a button, text box,
scroll bar, etc), the event is handled by Matchbox and used to drag the
window. I found that very smooth and very smart. It is quite a unique
feature in the world of operating systems.

Now for the question: Why is such awesome functionality currently only
found in a window manager intended for PDAs?

Has there been discussion of implementing this feature for Metacity? It
would be particularly useful with the discussion of changing window
decorators, since this would keep moving windows on Metacity's end so we
never lose that functionality.

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