Call upon The Great Spirit of 'Ubuntu'...

Dylan McCall dylanmccall at
Tue Aug 26 15:48:10 UTC 2008

>         I asked them for info on casper and ubiquity and never even
>         got a response back from them so remastersys is a complete
>         solo effort on my part and anything I learned about casper and
>         ubiquity was from reading an examining all of the scripts
>         involved. 
>         Each new version they add something and it looks like the
>         amd64 version has even more changes.  They have not been
>         consistent in terms of the behind the scenes stuff for the
>         liveCD boot since I started making remastersys.  I have had to
>         change it slightly for every version that they come out with
>         and if I now have to change it specifically for amd64 compared
>         to i386 I'm not going to be happy - lol.

Fragadelic, please do not consider a single unanswered question a sign
that people would rather you go about this alone. If you look through
any web forum, you will find Thousands (!) of unanswered threads. It's
no different here. Sometimes the people with the best answer just aren't
I like to think of Ubuntu as a natural diffusion of aid. If someone does
not have the aid to give, he would not conjure useless information out
of nowhere.

If you have any issues, feel free to post here about them, or try the
IRC channel. I get the feeling from this post that someone (or some
people) is putting words in the community's mouth, as if you were
actually told with gusto to go away. You were not, and you are still
very welcome to ask questions here as you please. In fact, please do! I
for one really like the idea behind this tool (although I swear there is
one in the repos -- I'm probably confusing it with something else). I
would love to see this tool succeed.
As mentioned, you may also try IRC which is good for the simpler issues.

Probably one tip to throw out there: Some people are bizarrely offended
by HTML emails. To ensure maximum audience, people generally send to
mailing lists as plain text.

Thanks for bringing this up, Juergen; "leave no one behind" and all that
feel-good stuff ;)

Take care,
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