Automatic fsck

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at
Tue Aug 19 21:26:18 UTC 2008

On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 5:23 PM, Evan <eapache at> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 12:27 PM, Phillip Susi <psusi at> wrote:
>> I think both of these points are best addressed with a simple, non
>> obnoxious prompt on shutdown to run a fsck before shutting down, and
>> also giving the option to put it off until tomorrow, next week, or never
>> ask me again.
> I like this. If this is implemented, there needs to be a timer (maybe 30
> seconds) that does a normal shutdown without fsck when it times out. If the
> user closes their laptop before the prompt shows up, they don't want their
> computer on and draining batteries waiting for input.

That's how AutoFsck behaved (minus the "next week, never" part).  It
had a timeout to normal shutdown, and it put it off til tomorrow/next
time if that was reached.

Mackenzie Morgan
Linux User #432169
ACM Member #3445683 <-my blog of Ubuntu stuff
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