Intuitive "Popup" Scrollbars

Thorsten Wilms t_w_ at
Mon Aug 18 15:45:42 UTC 2008

[Dropping recipients except author and devel-discuss, this shouldn't
have been cross-posted in the first place]

On Mon, 2008-08-18 at 15:26 +0100, Odysseus Flappington wrote:
> Has anyone got a link to a discussion on this issue with GTK? 

All I got there was pretty much a single "nice!"

Off-list I talked a bit with one developer who sad that GTK should have
some abstraction to switch between behaviours and that such widget
variations could be part of theming.

I think there was a bit of talk on gnome-usability when I brought up the
concept the first time, but nothing useful as I couldn't get the idea
across - which is why I made the demo and video. Posting those there led
to 2 useless replies (someone asking if OpenLook on Solaris didn't have
something like that a few years back) and

The feedback on digg was ... varied.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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