Minutes from the Technical Board, 2008-07-15

mike corn mikecorn at arcor.de
Tue Aug 12 19:47:12 UTC 2008

Why not move this process to shutdown time instead of boot time? The 
user could walk away and let the computer finish checking the file 
systems then shut down. If an error is detected, then the check would be 
repeated at the next boot up.

Bryce Harrington wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 11:52:25AM +0100, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
>> == Filesystem checking / AutoFsck ==
>> A suggestion was made to the technical board that Ubuntu could be smarter
>> about how and when it performs filesystem integrity checks (fsck).
>> Decision: This should be discussed more widely in the developer community
>> Action: Scott to start a thread on ubuntu-devel/-discuss
> I find the autofsck to be most notable on my laptop, perhaps because I
> reboot it more frequently, and because it usually chooses to autofsck at
> some inopportune time.  I don't know if laptop harddrives need fsck more
> than desktop's, but I wouldn't mind seeing the frequency be reduced for
> laptops.
> Alternatively, maybe the autofsck could be made to take a few more
> factors into account, such as total run time since last fsck, total
> absolute time since last fsck, drive age, etc.
> Bryce

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