May 2011 Archives by author
Starting: Sun May 1 03:12:13 UTC 2011
Ending: Sun May 29 02:24:30 UTC 2011
Messages: 250
- Natty and wireless problems
Art Alexion
- Wallet message
- saving multiscreen setup
- Kontact birthdays
John Batistic
- HI
Varun Bedwal
- HI
Varun Bedwal
- HI
Varun Bedwal
- Help
Varun Bedwal
- change desktop
Tom Bell
- change desktop
Tom Bell
- unity desktop how do I find
Tom Bell
- Compiz in Kubuntu Natty
Lorenzo Bettini
- Compiz in Kubuntu Natty
Lorenzo Bettini
- No microhone sort of fixed in Kubuntu 11.04 32 bit
Lorenzo Bettini
- strange update notfification
Martin Bretschneider
- natty host - lucid KVM guest doesn't boot
Mirto Silvio Busico
- flash stopped working on my computer
James Cain
- flash stopped working on my computer
James Cain
- flash stopped working on my computer
James Cain
- Pulseaudio Comanded To, "Silence"
Basil Chupin
- natty: no KDE desktop
Dotan Cohen
- natty: no KDE desktop
Dotan Cohen
- natty: no KDE desktop
Dotan Cohen
- Opening Nautilus changes KDE plasma desktop to Gnome desktop
Dotan Cohen
- Pulseaudio Comanded To, "Silence"
Dotan Cohen
- kubuntu-users Digest, Vol 76, Issue 16
Perry Cooper
- Microphone Problem
Richard S. Crawford
- Pulseaudio Comanded To, "Silence"
Richard S. Crawford
- natty: no KDE desktop
Aitor Cuartango
- Firefox 4.01 in Kubuntu 11.04: no ¨dead¨ keys, no compose key.
- Hidden panel icons
- Hidden panel icons
- Fwd: kubuntu-users at
George Dvorak
- can not save openoffice spreadsheets in libreoffice
Isak Enström
- can not save openoffice spreadsheets in libreoffice
Isak Enström
- can not save openoffice spreadsheets in libreoffice
Isak Enström
- unity desktop how do I find
Isak Enström
- Hidden panel icons
Isak Enström
- Hidden panel icons
Isak Enström
- xine or gstream
Isak Enström
- natty: no KDE desktop
D. R. Evans
- natty: no KDE desktop
D. R. Evans
- natty: no KDE desktop
D. R. Evans
- CPU monitor plasmoid changed style of display
D. R. Evans
- Problems with natty kontact and calendars
D. R. Evans
- new to list with a problem
D. R. Evans
- Problems with natty kontact and calendars
D. R. Evans
- CPU monitor plasmoid changed style of display
D. R. Evans
- Kontact birthdays
David Fletcher
- Kontact birthdays
Mark Fraser
- natty: no KDE desktop
Mark Fraser
- Cant get any of my Mic's to work on Kubuntu
Mark Fraser
- flash stopped working on my computer
Liviu Mirea Ghiban
- HI
Gil Gibbons
- 11.04: rsyslog.conf: no kernel messages on tty12 anymore
Ulrich Grün
- 11.04: rsyslog.conf: no kernel messages on tty12 anymore
Ulrich Grün
- 11.04: rsyslog.conf: no kernel messages on tty12 anymore
Ulrich Grün
- No logging occuring to /var/log/messages
Tom H
- Print to .pdf from Wine
Waleed Hamra
- Menu bars all gone!
Waleed Hamra
- Microphone Problem
Waleed Hamra
- Microphone Problem
Waleed Hamra
- Microphone Problem
Waleed Hamra
- Microphone Problem (solved)
Waleed Hamra
- 1. Microphone Problem (Waleed Hamra)
Waleed Hamra
- Hidden panel icons
Waleed Hamra
- Panel Woes.....
Kaj Haulrich
- Menu bars all gone!
Girard Henri
- unity desktop how do I find
Michael Hirsch
- Updating from 8.04 LTS -- incrementally or jump or not at all?
Pastor JW
- Updating from 8.04 LTS -- incrementally or jump or not at all?
Pastor JW
- 11.04: KUbuntu vs Ubuntu_+_KDE - (Dis- &) Advantages ; gre
Pastor JW
- posix4 library
Aylin Kantarci
- new to list with a problem
Paul Kaplan
- new to list with a problem
Paul Kaplan
- new to list with a problem
Paul Kaplan
- HI
Nils Kassube
- dolphin not show content of folder when opened as ordinary user in ubuntu 11.04
Nils Kassube
- Cant get any of my Mic's to work on Kubuntu
Nils Kassube
- Updating from 8.04 LTS -- incrementally or jump or not at all?
Nils Kassube
- 11.04: KUbuntu vs Ubuntu_+_KDE - (Dis- &) Advantages ; gre
Nils Kassube
- Update 10.04 -> 10.04.2 recommended?
Nils Kassube
- new to list with a problem
Nils Kassube
- Who's Killing Lucid?
Nils Kassube
- Microphone Problem
Frans Ketelaars
- Updating from 8.04 LTS -- incrementally or jump or not at all?
Score Kitterman
- Updating from 8.04 LTS -- incrementally or jump or not at all?
Score Kitterman
- Kubuntu Council Elections 2011
Scott Kitterman
- Kubuntu Council Elections 2011
Scott Kitterman
- Kubuntu Council Elections 2011
Scott Kitterman
- Natty 32 bit no microphone detection in Skype
Scott Kitterman
- Kubuntu Council Election Nominations
Scott Kitterman
- No microhone sort of fixed in Kubuntu 11.04 32 bit
Scott Kitterman
- Pulseaudio Comanded To, "Silence"
Scott Kitterman
- Pulseaudio Comanded To, "Silence"
Scott Kitterman
- It's working fine for others ... Re: no mirophone in Natty 32 bit
Scott Kitterman
- Kubuntu Council Election Nominations
Scott Kitterman
- 1. Microphone Problem (Waleed Hamra)
Scott Kitterman
- Who's Killing Lucid?
Scott Kitterman
- Kubuntu Council Election Nominations
Scott Kitterman
- change desktop
- no flash
Tomas Knot
- Google calendar not synced
Georgi Kourtev
- Wallet message
Georgi Kourtev
- Google calendar not synced
Georgi Kourtev
- Kubuntu-Kmail external editor fails...
Dave Laird
- KUbuntu & Alsamixer
Steve Lamb
- Print to .pdf from Wine
Jerry Lapham
- 1. Grsynch errors (Jerry Lapham) (Jerry Lapham)
Jerry Lapham
- Natty 32 bit no microphone detection in Skype
Rod Lovett
- in Natty 32 bit no microphone detection in Skype
Rod Lovett
- No microhone sort of fixed in Kubuntu 11.04 32 bit
Rod Lovett
- It's working fine for others, so this is probably a hardware specific bug. Please file a bug using 'ubuntu-bug audio' in your konsole shell. That will collect relevant additional information that is generally useful to the Ubuntu devs that maintain that part of the system. Re: no mirophone in Natty 32 bit
Rod Lovett
- 1. Microphone Problem (Waleed Hamra)
Rod Lovett
- Microphone Problem
Łukasz Maciejewski
- can not save openoffice spreadsheets in libreoffice
Bruce Marshall
- can not save openoffice spreadsheets in libreoffice
Bruce Marshall
- Anyone having problems getting to the repositories??
Bruce Marshall
- Can't read audio CD's on 11.04 Natty
Bruce Marshall
- Can't read audio CD's on 11.04 Natty
Bruce Marshall
- No logging occuring to /var/log/messages
Bruce Marshall
- 11.04: rsyslog.conf: no kernel messages on tty12 anymore
Bruce Marshall
- 11.04: rsyslog.conf: no kernel messages on tty12 anymore
Bruce Marshall
- 11.04: rsyslog.conf: no kernel messages on tty12 anymore
Bruce Marshall
- Natty 64 bit upgrade issue
Steve Morris
- Natty 64 bit upgrade issue
Steve Morris
- Natty 64 bit upgrade issue
Steve Morris
- Compiz in Kubuntu Natty
Jonas Norlander
- Menu bars all gone!
Kevin O'Brien
- Menu bars all gone!
Kevin O'Brien
- dirmngr eating CPU
Thomas Olsen
- dirmngr eating CPU
Thomas Olsen
- Newest flashplugin crashes nspluginviewer
Thomas Olsen
- Newest flashplugin crashes nspluginviewer
Thomas Olsen
- Problems with natty kontact and calendars
Thomas Olsen
- flash stopped working on my computer
Thomas Olsen
- Who's Killing Lucid?
Thomas Olsen
- Who's Killing Lucid?
Thomas Olsen
- Hidden panel icons
Thomas Olsen
- Updating from 8.04 LTS -- incrementally or jump or not at all?
Chuck Peters
- Can't read audio CD's on 11.04 Natty
Jon Piper
- rekonq mystery plugin
Jonathan M. Prigot
- incomplete strigi indexing
Denis Prost
- incomplete strigi indexing [SOLVED]
Denis Prost
- change desktop
Nigel Ridley
- 11.04: KUbuntu vs Ubuntu_+_KDE - (Dis- &) Advantages ; gre
Nigel Ridley
- 11.04: KUbuntu vs Ubuntu_+_KDE - (Dis- &) Advantages ; gre
Nigel Ridley
- Firefox 4.01 in Kubuntu 11.04: no ¨dead¨ keys, no compose key.
Bas Roufs
- Firefox 4.01 in Kubuntu 11.04: no ¨dead¨ keys, no compose key.
Bas Roufs
- Re: Firefox 4.01 in Kubuntu 11.04: no ¨dead¨ keys, no compose key.
Bas Roufs
- dolphin not show content of folder when opened as ordinary user in ubuntu 11.04
Reinhold Rumberger
- Pulseaudio Comanded To, "Silence"
Reinhold Rumberger
- No sound in Kubuntu 11.04
Marcelo Magno T. Sales
- change desktop
Erol Sapir
- change desktop
Errol Sapir
- change desktop
Errol Sapir
- change desktop
Errol Sapir
- new to list with a problem
Bob Schmidt
- new to list with a problem
Bob Schmidt
- new to list with a problem
Bob Schmidt
- Kubuntu Council Elections 2011
Jussi Schultink
- Panel Woes Solved
Monty Shinn
- Updating from 8.04 LTS -- incrementally or jump or not at all?
O. Sinclair
- Microphone Problem
O. Sinclair
- xine or gstream
O. Sinclair
- xine or gstream
O. Sinclair
- Kubuntu Council Elections 2011
Harald Sitter
- dolphin freezes
Paul Stear
- saving multiscreen setup
Paul Stear
- can not save openoffice spreadsheets in libreoffice
Paul Stear
- can not save openoffice spreadsheets in libreoffice
Paul Stear
- can not save openoffice spreadsheets in libreoffice
Paul Stear
- can not save openoffice spreadsheets in libreoffice
Paul Stear
- Update 10.04 -> 10.04.2 recommended?
Ingolf Steinbach
- new to list with a problem
Helder Terra
- Hidden panel icons
Anj Tuesday
- Hidden panel icons
Anj Tuesday
- Hidden panel icons
Anj Tuesday
- Hidden panel icons
Anj Tuesday
- Hidden panel icons
Anj Tuesday
- Hidden panel icons
Anj Tuesday
- new to list with a problem
Billie Walsh
- change desktop
Clay Weber
- Google calendar not synced
Clay Weber
- Google calendar not synced
Clay Weber
- Launcher Menuing
Clay Weber
- 11.04: KUbuntu vs Ubuntu_+_KDE - (Dis- &) Advantages ; gre
Clay Weber
- Update 10.04 -> 10.04.2 recommended?
Clay Weber
- Natty 64 bit upgrade issue
Clay Weber
- Hidden panel icons
Clay Weber
- Hidden panel icons
Clay Weber
- Hidden panel icons
Clay Weber
- Problem with KWin.
Christer Wickman
- Hidden panel icons
Neil Winchurst
- Hidden panel icons
Neil Winchurst
- Hidden panel icons
Neil Winchurst
- Hidden panel icons
Neil Winchurst
- Hidden panel icons
Neil Winchurst
- Kubuntu Council Nomination
David Wonderly
- A call for some help with a 10.04LTS project
David Wonderly
- 1. Grsynch errors (Jerry Lapham) (Jerry Lapham) (Jerry Lapham)
Brian Wootton
- No subject
Payern Yen
- No subject
Payern Yen
- Panel Woes.....
Valorie Zimmerman
- Kubuntu Council Elections 2011
Valorie Zimmerman
- Re: Firefox 4.01 in Kubuntu 11.04: no ¨dead¨ keys, no compose key.
Valorie Zimmerman
- new to list with a problem
Valorie Zimmerman
- No microhone sort of fixed in Kubuntu 11.04 32 bit
Valorie Zimmerman
- 1. Microphone Problem (Waleed Hamra)
Valorie Zimmerman
- Kubuntu Council Election Nominations
Valorie Zimmerman
- xine or gstream
Valorie Zimmerman
- Menu bars all gone!
pierre jocelyn andre
- Menu bars all gone!
pierre jocelyn andre
- Menu bars all gone!
pierre jocelyn andre
- Anyone having problems getting to the repositories??
pkaplan1 at
- 11.04: KUbuntu vs Ubuntu_+_KDE - (Dis- &) Advantages ; gre
- 11.04: KUbuntu vs Ubuntu_+_KDE - (Dis- &) Advantages ; gre
- 11.04: KUbuntu vs Ubuntu_+_KDE - (Dis- &) Advantages ; gre
- HI
tv.debian at
- HI
tv.debian at
- Help
tv.debian at
- Launcher Menuing
tv.debian at
- flash stopped working on my computer
tv.debian at
- Microphone Problem
tv.debian at
- Newest flashplugin crashes nspluginviewer
tv.debian at
- unity desktop how do I find
uriah heep
- unity desktop how do I find
uriah heep
- flash stopped working on my computer
- Cant get any of my Mic's to work on Kubuntu
cori madden
- flash stopped working on my computer
cori madden
- no flash
cori madden
- Menu bars all gone!
azlan mazlan
- flash stopped working on my computer
- HI
- dolphin not show content of folder when opened as ordinary user in ubuntu 11.04
- dolphin not show content of folder when opened as ordinary user in ubuntu 11.04
- kuickshow not showing thumbnail previews
- Panel Woes
Bill vance
- Panel Woes.....
Bill vance
- Panel Woes Solved
Bill vance
- Panel Woes Solved
Bill vance
- Launcher Menuing
Bill vance
- Launcher Menuing
Bill vance
- Pulseaudio Comanded To, "Silence"
Bill vance
- Who's Killing Lucid?
Bill vance
- Who's Killing Lucid?
Bill vance
- Who's Killing Lucid?
Bill vance
- Updating from 8.04 LTS -- incrementally or jump or not at all?
h.stencil at
- Compiz in Kubuntu Natty
jack wallen
- kubuntu-users at
actlka_slv at
Last message date:
Sun May 29 02:24:30 UTC 2011
Archived on: Tue Oct 9 14:10:20 UTC 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).