dirmngr eating CPU

Thomas Olsen tanghus at gmail.com
Wed May 18 05:29:28 UTC 2011

On Wednesday 18 May 2011 07:15:19 Thomas Olsen wrote:
> Recently dirmngr has started to suddenly sucking CPU cycles which is very
> annoying on my old single core CPU.
> Any suggestions to why this happens? Kleopatra, gnupg or something else?

I forgot to mention:

Kubuntu 10.10
KDE SC 4.6.2
Kontact 4.4.9

The process eating cycles is running under my ID, not as root, and with the
--server argument.
There is also a process running as root with arguments --daemon --sh but it 
behaves nicely.

Best regards / med venlig hilsen

Thomas Olsen

Dropbox and my thumb drive had an epic battle. Dropbox won. 

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